Old ship sinks, new ship sails

28 1 0

Petra: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Percy:  What happened Petra?

Petra: James is a liar.

Percy: I'm going to kill that-

Annabeth: *washes blood of hands*

Petra: 0_0

Annabeth: What I just cut myself when I was cutting a lemon

Petra: Phew

Annabeth: spiders hate lemons.

Percy: you were saying

Petra: He lied he was a mortal and he faked everything, he told me he never liked me. He did it to find out about camp.

Annabeth: 🤯

Petra: Hera set him up

Percy: That bastard! 🤬

Connor: Petra!

Private chat Connor and Petra

Connor: Petra, I know you may not be ready for this but-

Petra: Connor-

Connor: I need to tell you that I like you, like really like you.

Petra: Connor I-

Connor: Heck, I might be in love with you.


Connor: Hades, I just made things super awkward didn't I?

Petra: I love you too Connor.

Connor: Really?!

Petra: Yes, I do. 


Petra: Hey guys

Percy: You okay?

Petra: Never been better

Connor: Good

Piper: *sniffs the air*

Piper: Is that an OTP I smell

Jason: What the Hades pipes

Piper: I'm getting a whiff of CETRA

Percy: Wtf?

Petra: errrr

Connor: erm


Piper: I knew there was something wrong with James.

Percy: Sooo you to are together now?

Annabeth: Well done for getting rid of my fake brother

Percy: I'm happy for you

Petra: REally?! 

Percy: Yh, I know Connor is a good guy even if he keeps trying to steal riptide

Annabeth: But it keeps appearing in your pockets

Connor: So that's why!

Petra: *facepalm*

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