Puns? Pt 2

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Leo: What would you get if you crossed Hades and Apollo

Apollo: A mix of sun and death
              A whole lot of awesomeness
              Only I'm awesome

The seven: Ewwwwwww his gross haikus

Leo: Anyways.... you would get... *drumroll*
                    Doctor Death

Hades: You Pesky Shrimp!

Persephone: I think he would make nice pomegranate trees.

Demeter: Or a lovely box of cereal

Hades: or I can burn him in hell for eternity

Leo: except that would t work. I'm fire proof.

Persephone: Well pomegranate it is then.

Demeter: NO, cereal!

Persephone: Pomegranate

Demeter: Cereal

Persephone: Pomegranate!

Demeter: No! Listen to me! I'm your mother!

Annabeth: Enough! Who created this chat anyways?

The seven & gods: not me! I was just added to the group

Annabeth: Then who? Aha! The STOLLS!

Connor: Oh no!

Travis: Run Connor!

Connor: Run Travis!

Annabeth: Oh no you don't!

                                 Connor Stoll has been killed by Annabeth Chase
                                 Travis Stoll has been killed by Annabeth Chase

Annabeth: Stop overreacting

Connor & Travis: Ok... 0_0

                                                      Connor Stoll has left
                                                      Travis Stoll has left

Annabeth: Peace at last

Piper: this chat is pointless

                                                      Piper McLean has left

Jason: Yh! It is

                                                    Jason Grace has left
                                                   Percy Jackson has left
                                                   Frank Zhang has left
                                                  Hazel Levesque has left
Annabeth Chase has left
                                                  The Olympians have left
                                   Calypso has left

Leo: Calypso?! You were here the whole time?

                                                    Calypso has joined

Calypso: Yes, Now delete the chat Valdez!

                                                    Calypso has left
                                                  Leo Valdez has left
                                                          Chat deleted

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