The seven get Tagged

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Percy: OMG! I got tagged. I told you I'm wattpad famous!

Annabeth: *facepalm*

Percy: Here r the question i have to answer: (ma answers in bold)

1) If u could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Blue cookies, duh

2) What do you think the best invention is?

those awesome auto refilable cups at camp hb.

3) If you were a waiter and had a rude customer, what would you do?

go all PERSASSY on them

4)What is one thing that you can not live without?

my beautiful sword, riptide (Before you kill me Annabeth, it said thing not person)

5) what was the last thing u bought?

you see if i told you, it would ruin everything. so sorry i cant tell you!

Percy: Now it's ur turn ppl. i tag annie, Thals, Jase,Pipes, hazel and Fai


Annabeth: 1) Pizza with olives

2) a bunch of things on daedelus's laptop, i dunno. maybe chinese handcuffs?

3) judo flip them

4) Books

5) An amazing book on architechture. its all about these amazing structures and historical monuments. it even teaches you about how the height of an object affects the-

Percy: NEXT!

Thalia: Is it me now? oh well.

1) hmm. im not sure. anything we freshly grill after hunting.

2) a bow and arrow

3) use the mist to make them think they dont have enough money to buy whatever and so they have to leave

4) my bow and arrow

5) a new bow and arrow because of a certain imp who melted my last one. *cough leo cough*

Leo: HEY!

Jason: me next!

1) Pizza!!!!

2) anything but bricks and staplers

3) electrocute them

4) my glasses

5) a pair of Harry potter socks. not my fault, Piper charmspeaked me to

Piper: hey! i didnt do that...

Piper: My turn

1) veggie burgers

2) a laser toater cutter. (don't ask me ask leo)

3) charmspeak them to do something stupid

4) ice cream

5) suprisingly, i bought some lipgloss.

Hazel: WOW. alright, here goes nothing

1) chicken nuggets

2) horses

3) try speak to them nicely

4) My sketch book

5) Pastel highlighters. what? they're so pretty

Frank: And finally me

1) chinese food. i cant choose

2) bow and arrows

3) wait are they mortals or demigods? coz if it was a demigod I would probably turn into a bear or something

4) my bow and arrows

5) I bought a massive chest to put all the gems hazel keeps on popping out of the ground near my cabin.

Hazel: sorry about that. sometimes u just lose control.

leo: ha ha... ha

Percy: Leo? What have you done this time.

*Yells and screams from the Hermes cabin*

Travis: LEO!!!

Connor: Why did u burn the cabin down

Annabeth: What?!

Leo: HEy it was an accident ok.

Connor: ...


Travis: It was your idea Connor

Connor: UGH whatever. still u don't set our cabin on fire.


Connor: o_o

travis:  o_O

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