Kind and Gentle

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                  Danielle was greeted to loud commotion between Cogsworth and Lumiere about perhaps something silly she dodged their banter in the hallway to where she was greeted by Frou Frou the dog she said "Hi boy, what you doing?" it barked at her she said "Lead the way" it took off running she followed it to Maestro Cadenza he said "Frou Frou you got your mother worried sick about you? Where have you been?" she said "He found me" he looked up to seeing her he said "Of course Princess Danielle, he probably wanted to bring you hither?" she said "For what?" he said "A little bird told me that a unknown singer had been singing of late and it's given my Madame de Garderobe ideas" she said "Ideas?" he speaking in hushed tones he said "She's planning on a recital for this unknown singer before a grand audience" she said "Really?" feeling little nervous of that notion she said "So I guess this unknown singer should make haste and run the other way?" he said "You didn't hear this from me, dear child" she said "I'm going into town to see my grandfather he's suppose to have a present for mom and dad" he said "Then go you must". She walked off toward a different direction running into Chip he said "Where you off to this fine morning?" she said "Going to see my grandfather in town he has a surprise I'm to pick up" he said "Perhaps I should accompany you given listening to Cogsworth and Lumiere banter for the umpteenth time this morning is enough already" she said "What happened this time?" he said "The same old story, Lumiere wasn't doing a sufficient job and Cogsworth belittled him for it and it came down to who has authority to boss the other one around" she said "Well, if you're to accompany Chip you need a horse? Because Philippe II only likes me riding him" he said "I'll take one of the others, race you to the stables princess" she said "Really?". At the stables Danielle was getting Philippe II saddle when Chip caught up to her he said "How did you beat me so fast?" she said "Because I'm that good" he said "Really?" she climbed onto her horse holding the reins she said "I took a shortcut, see Cogsworth showed them to me he admires my work ethic" he said "Ha ha princess, let's get a move on before we're roped into the banter?" she said "Fine, let's go".

                   Coming through the woods she and Chip on their horses she taking in the landscapes while he on the other hand was listening for any animals mostly wolves being nearby she said "Chip, what are you doing?" he said "Making sure there aren't any wolves closeby" she said "Chip they come out close to dark not right now?" he said "Can't be to careful princess" she said "How many times do I have to tell you, it's Danielle" he said "Yes but you know my mother" she said "Your mother is sweet, kind and gentle Chip" he said "She always wants me to be proper gentleman even when I was a teacup" she said "I bet you were a cute teacup" he said "Let's go then princess". Gaston out hunting again heard talking he hid behind several trees and bushes he saw the girl on horseback alongside a guy on horseback he heard them talking but as always when he tries to hear more he steps and causes a twig to snap the two heard it Chip said "What was that?" Danielle said "Probably deer moving about?" he said "More reason to head to the village" she said "Are you scared of the woods Chip?" he said "I'm not scared, I'm being cautious and you should be princess" she said "For the last time Chip, Danielle would be just fine" Gaston heard her name and that she's a princess that made him feel so glee inside he saw them ride off toward the village he went back to his home trying to freshen up so to speak. Danielle and Chip came to the village she got down and was greeted by the children there they love to see her Chip got down as well he said "Don't mind me I'll take care of the horses" she said "Okay" the girls took Danielle by the hand showing her about like normal while Chip after getting the horses in the stables he visited his dad Monsieur Jean Potts at his shop. Danielle greeted Pere Roberts once again in his shop he said "Finished your book already?" she said "I'm still reading it, every time I finish it I want to read it again" he said "You look so much like your mother Belle" she said "Thank you Monsieur Pere Roberts" he said "So your parent's anniversary is coming up is there going to be a ball or party for them?" she said "I hope so, I mean their love is a storybook of pure love something hard to find" he said "Don't worry Princess Danielle, your version may be out there somewhere" she said "Thank you, I'm on my way to see my grandfather" he said "Then I won't keep you from seeing him any more, have a nice day Princess Danielle" she turned and left. 

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