I fucked up.

" Wazzam brudda'." I said in the phone, getting up from the bed.

" Was' good nigga?" Davontae asked.

" Nothin' jus' na' gettin' up, wha' 'bout you?"

" Same, I got fuckin' practice today.  And I ain't lookin' forward to leavin' Ariana and Ro'."

" Shit, you gotta do whateva' ya' gotta do, to provide for your family. Tell Ariana I said was' poppin'."

" I already know and ight. Baby!" He put me on speaker. I walked downstairs. Just by tha' lah mess 'dat was down here . I could tell they was rushin' to catch the flight on time. I told her she could take the jet, but she refuse to.

" Yeah?" I heard Ariana say.

" August said hey, you on speaker. "

" I would say hey back, but I'm still mad at him."

" What he do?"

" Ask you best friend Davontae. " I heard the door close, letting me know, she left out the room. I sighed, shaking my head. I put  davontae on speaker, cause I had to start cleaning this mess up.

" Nigga what the fuck you do to my sister?"

" Man I got drunk a-"

" So that's why she got the twins?"

" Yeah man, I fucked  up."

" Yeah you did." He agreed. " She definitely mad at your ass, I bet."

" Man you ain't no fucking help." I smacked my lips, glaring at my phone.

" Ight, ight. I'll call her when I get done talking to you."

" Ight t- Oh shit."

" What?"

" Bro, Daejah forgot Arianna pinky." I picked it up from her seat, where It was laying.

" Welp, hurricane Ariana about to come. You know how she is, without that thing."

I nodded, agreeing with him. All hell gon' break loose, once she finds out, she didn't bring it with her to Cali. She can't survive without it. Somebody gotta bring this to my baybeh.


I tried to get out of bed, not waking up the twins. But they only clutched on to my shirt more. Abrianna grabbed onto my finger, shaking her head no. Signalling that I can't get up until they  get up. While Ariana laid on my stomach, holding the bottom of my stomach. She love to hear my heart beat while she's sleeping. It makes her more comfortable.

I smiled to my self, laying back in bed. I took my phone off the charger,  taking a short  video of how they were laying on me. I'm praying  and hoping this is how there gonna be when they get older. I needed them to stay little forever.

I received a text from August, telling me to call him as soon as I could. If he haven't notice, I been ignoring his ass on purpose.  I need space from him. He told me " I love you. "

The words I most dread, when coming from a  man. That's a word, I do and don't want to hear. I definitely didnt want to hear it coming from August, none what so ever. And the 3 letter word fell out of his mouth.

Even though he was drunk. Drunk mind speaks a sober heart. That's how I know alone, he been feeling that way. We definitely need to talk to eachother.  I just can't do it right now though.

I need sometime.

After August took his cat nap he woke up bout 30 minutes later grinding against my thigh. He was hella horny last night and I wasn't  going to do anything about that. Then he wanted to give me head, which would  be nice, but then again he might've threw up on me. I wasn't going to take any chances.

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