Chapter 7.

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Marcus frowns down at me and Melonie walks around from the other side of the car.

"Abby, we have come to congratulate you on graduating." she says innocently. 

I glare at her and cross my arms across my chest.

"Well I don't want you here. So just get back in your car and drive away." I hiss back at her with venom dripping from my words. 

Melonie goes to stand beside Marcus and he glares at me with innocent eyes. I stare right back at him and look him right in the eye. Once upon a time I would have been ecstatic to see him, but now, all I want for him to do is go back home with his precious fiancée and to stay the hell away from me. 

"I thought you would have been happy to see us Ab." Marcus murmurs, still searching my eyes.

I narrow my eyes at him and shake my head slightly. Happy to see them? Did he really just say that? 

"Well, you thought wrong." I state through an icy tone.

Marcus looks away from me and from the corner of my eye, I can see Melonie frowning. She probably has her own opinion, but I don't give a shit what she has to say. 

"Well, we haven't seen each other in a while Ab, so I thought I'd drop in and see you."  Marcus continues.

'I wonder whose fault that is." I say, feeling myself growing angrier by the second.

"It's no-one’s fault Abby, we just got busy and time just got away from us." 

"Give me a break Marcus! You are such a liar, you know that?" I growl at him while inching closer to him.

"Abby, I am not lying, you know how it goes. Work gets busy, and then there are things to do around the house and just life in general. Things get busy and time just passes by." he says, trying to reason with me.

I roll my eyes at him and shake my head with a quiet chuckle. Is he joking right now? Does he actually believe that I am falling for this bull shit? If he does, he is sadly mistaken.

"Right, so you had no time at all to call me, or at least text me?" I question with a raised eye brow. 

Marcus looks away from me once again, and I just nod my head slowly. I knew it, he just didn't want to. He wanted nothing to do with us once he found himself a girlfriend; well I want nothing to do with him now.

"You know what Marcus? I totally get it. You just didn't want to call me. You found yourself a girlfriend and you started a new life, you wanted to leave behind the people that cared about you, that loved you more than anything." I say, feeling a slight lump rise in my throat. “Well, I just hope Melonie never leaves you, because if she does, you are going to have no-one. You have pushed away everyone just so you could be with Melonie. Did it ever occur to you that you could have both? That you could be with Melonie and still keep in contact with us? Or did it slip your mind? You know what, I don't care anymore. I don't give a shit. I have people in my life who actually love me and care about me, so just leave Marcus, and go back to your wonderful life with Melonie because you sure as hell aren't wanted here." I continue as a tear sneaks out of my eye and leaks down my cheek.

Melonie stares at me through an icy glare and I turn away from both of them. I take a deep breath and walk away, leaving them both behind me.

"Abby, please wait!" Marcus calls out to me.

More tears make their way down my face and I stand in the middle of the yard, trying my best not to turn around. 

"What Marcus?" I say back, closing my eyes.

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