Chapter 17; Laufey's Son

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(Told from Loki's point of view)

Hermione and I were different toward each other from that day on. Even during the first days in the hospital wing I noticed it.

Madam Pomfrey insisted on keeping us for two more days, so we had to occupy our time. Of course, we spent most of the time talking, but the most interesting thing happened right after we entered the hospital wing.

Severus Snape had burst into the room, followed by Fudge. His face looked absolutely demented.

"OUT WITH IT POTTER! WHAT DID YOU DO?" He bellowed, running toward him. Something about that phrase hit me hard, because I had snapped my fingers to get Snape to look at me, and then I winked.

He walked over to me, his posture stiff. He leaned over and whispered in my ear; "I don't even have to read your mind half the time."

I smirked. "But it hurts, doesn't it? No proof... I can only assure you that my suffering is ten times yours..." I say, my voice annoyingly soft.

He shot me a look nothing short of loathing and stalked out of the dungeon.

"Fellow seems quite unbalanced... I'd watch out for him if I were you." Fudge comments.

"Oh, he's not unbalanced. He's just suffered a severe disappointment." Dumbledore replies.

"Everyone's too hard on him." I say, taking a book off my bedside table and flipping the page absentmindedly. "He should thank me. I carried him out of the Shrieking Shack right before things got out of hand."

"Like a baby." Harry adds, smirking.

Dumbledore chuckles. "I won't deny that it will be hard not hanging that over his head."

And he left.

Madam Pomfrey rarely left us alone, but when we did manage to shake her off, we'd do something that she would probably disapprove of. Unfortunately she caught us doing it later that day.

When she had left to go to her office, Hermione crawled out of her bed and into mine. She was very warm, and I think she just happened to enjoy it just as much as I did. But Madam Pomfrey had walked in on us, and it wasn't pretty.

She walked over to Hermione's bed to find it empty, and she had freaked out.

"Hermione?" She called. "You here?"

She was snuggled up against me, but I elbowed her, causing her to say "ow!"

I took the blanket off from over my head, and Madam Pomfrey looked over at me. "Where's Hermione?"

Hermione surfaced from under the bed.

"There you are! I was worried that you—" her face blanked. "What are you doing?"

"Uhhhhh..." I started, looking over at Hermione.

"Get back in your bed!" She demanded to Hermione. She immediately scooted out of mine and into her own. "I don't ever want to see you two in the same bed again! You know better than that!"

I know I ought to look disappointed in myself, but I just couldn't stop blushing so hard and smiling happily.

We left the hospital wing the next day to take a visit to Hogsmeade. Of course Harry and I didn't go, because Harry wasn't permitted, and that place had scarred me for life. Since me and Harry weren't going, Ron and Hermione, being the good friends that they are, didn't go either, and we spent the time sitting around the lake and talking... about things. It seemed as though the other three of them were just saying whatever their hearts desired, but I had to hold my tongue. I still tried weakly not to give them too much information about Asgard, even though I had "joked" about me being a god. The funny part is that at least that comment isn't a lie.

Hagrid visited us with the news that we already knew. About Buckbeak's escape, about Lupin being a werewolf, but he also told us that Lupin had resigned.

Harry took this personally and went up to see the Professor himself. Maybe he was going to try to persuade him not to leave, but Lupin was selfless. He wasn't going to put others in danger to keep his job. Even I must admit, it wasn't great news. He was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had.

Harry visited us later that day, and told us that Dumbledore had talked to him in Lupin's office. I didn't even need to hear the rest, it was just that the pool of anger in my stomach started to boil again. Dumbledore's prized student, Harry Potter... why would he not visit me from time to time? I'm getting real sick of him pretending that Harry does everything important, and no one else ever gets any credit...

It hit me. What if I distanced myself from Harry? Made a name for myself... make sure I'm not just called "that black-haired friend of Potter's." Then I'd be completely different, not associated with him. A brilliant idea, but how to do it...

I could just keep my distance from Harry, perhaps steal the spotlight, not just share it. I'd make sure that I am the star of the school, and not everyone's just talking about Harry. Being me, it'll be easy... do crazy things, get people's attention... be myself.

Both me and Hermione dropped Muggle Studies. We gave in the Time Turner, I quite reluctantly, but it was nonetheless a good feeling having a normal schedule again.

On our way back to King's Cross, Ron told us that we ought to come with his family on a vacation to see the Quidditch World Cup. I'd have to ask Frigga, but the thought of seeing my adopted parents after I found out my true parentage was alarming.

"Loki, are you ok?" I realized I had been staring at the floor for a while.

"Yeah..." I muttered, looking up at Hermione. "I don't think my parents will be... well, let's just say pleased to see me this summer."

"Nor will mine... I mean, my aunt and uncle." Harry adds. I'm sure it was meant to make me feel better, but it only added to my distaste.

"I just might have a harder summer than you... Harry." I say, twiddling my thumbs.

At that moment, and owl showed up at the window. It was carrying a letter from Sirius, which Harry read happily. As it turns out, it was Sirius who sent the Firebolt, but obviously he wouldn't curse it. Ron kept the owl, which he was very pleased with.

As we slowed to a stop at King's Cross, I promised Ron that I'd reply to his offer as soon as I could. He thanked me and said that his dad could pick me up, and I said sure, but I'd have to send him the time and place. (Because I obviously didn't want him arriving in Asgard)

I got off the train and saw Malfoy getting off at another exit, dragging his trunk. His eyes shot over to me, and he started to walk toward me.

I didn't acknowledge him, but looked around the platform to find a familiar face. I noticed Heimdall in Midgardian clothes standing in the corner, but I waited for Malfoy to come closer.

"Hey." He said, smacking my arm to face him. "I know it was you who lost Buckbeak." He snarled. "My father knows about you, Odinson, and he will get his revenge."

Blood pounded in my ears. Not because of the threat, but because of what he called me.

I took a deep breath. "It's Laufeyson."


Author's note; thank you for reading! (And making it this far) I hope you enjoyed and I will be coming out with the fourth one soon if you're reading this around the end of August 2018. Please  comment and follow me if you enjoy reading my works, and I really appreciate your reads and comments and... well, everything you do! Thank you!

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