Chapter 2; Thievery

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    (Told from Loki's point of view)

I sat bolt upright in my bed at 7:30 in the morning the next day. I don't know why I was so excited, maybe it was because I would finally be able to see Hermione today, or maybe it was because I was excited to meet the Minister of Magic. Maybe it was because of something entirely different, I couldn't tell.

Whatever I wore I would make a good impression on the Minister, because I almost never wore anything without a necktie in it, at least if it wasn't my armor.

I dressed myself in a black suit with a white collar like usual, and strung a satchel over my shoulder where I placed my money and list of school supplies in it carefully.

I exited my room and headed toward the dining hall where Thor and Frigga were already sitting there.

"Good morning, Loki. I heard that you were delivered a letter yesterday, what did it say?" Frigga asks.

I wasn't quite fond of her monitoring my mail feed, but it would only be for a little while. "Letter from Hermione. We're going to meet the Minister of Magic for some reason."

"Do you need me to come?" Frigga says.

"No, I make a good enough impression by myself, I dare say." I comment, gesturing to my suit and tie.

She chuckles and nods. After breakfast I meet Heimdall at 8:00 and he escorts me to Diagon Alley via the Bifrost. I enter the leaky cauldron and realize that I'm an hour early for our meeting. I'd like to find Hermione but I don't have a clue where she is, so I instead tap the three bricks to enter Diagon Alley, and I start to look around.

I didn't have any intention of buying anything yet, but I ended up visiting the stores anyway, mostly to buy ink and parchment.

I wanted to visit Flourish and Blotts for this year's books, but I was caught off guard by a magnificent racing broom displayed at the window of Quality Quidditch supplies.

The Firebolt. The fastest racing broom ever created. What I would give to have that broom I didn't know... Price on Request. I wondered how much it would cost. I knew my family had enough money to afford it— I mean, of course they did— they were royalty. But the real question was would they bother to buy the broom for me...

Probably not. I hung my head in disappointment, but that didn't mean I couldn't ask them... I feel like they would just refuse to buy it and make me feel ashamed of wanting something so badly.

I realize with a jolt that I should be with the minister in 5 minutes. I jog up towards the leaky cauldron and run up to room 120, where I stand there for a minute trying to catch my breath. I then neaten my long black hair and enter the room.

Sitting on chairs around the fireplace were Hermione, Professor McGonagall, and a portly man who I presumed to be the Minister.

"Hello good sir, I assume you're the Minister of Magic?" I say politely, walking over to shake his hand. "I'm Loki Odinson."

"Yes, Cornelius Fudge, Pleasure to meet you." He says jovially. Then his expression turns serious. "So I've called you here for a slight situation that has arisen, due to the fact that both you and Miss Granger have both decided to take every single class available for third year students."

Both me and Hermione nod. "It's for the best that both of us learn as much as possible, we are both very inquisitive individuals." I note.

"I see that." Fudge says. "The problem is that you now don't have enough time to take each of these classes without... breaking the fabric of time."

Loki Odinson and the Prisoner Of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now