Chapter 5; Questions

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(Told from Loki's point of view)

That was the first time I'd needed to to that here.

I wasn't expecting Harry to act like that when I made the Quidditch team, and as soon as he started talking crap about me I knew I was going to have to do it.

I made them forget everything other than the fact that I was their new chaser. It seemed to suffice.

It took awhile for Malfoy to even show his face in classes again. He was showing off his injury like he had fought an army of Frost Giants and escaped with nothing but that injury.

He was especially insufferable during our first period potions lesson. As he was making me cut his daisy roots, a light went off in my head.

"Hey Draco." I whispered. He was leaning on the two back legs of his chair, his feet up on the table.

"What is it, Odinson?" He says. I was hoping he wasn't going to use my surname, since I used his first.

"You got those 10 galleons? Because I made the Gryffindor quidditch team this year." I whisper.

He lets his chair fall back onto four legs. "No you didn't. Liar. There's no way—"

"Oh, and also, I got a Firebolt this year, so that completes our bet from the last. 10 galleons. A deal is a deal." I say, continuing to neatly chop his daisy roots.

"Hey Potter!" Malfoy yells over to him. "Is it true that Odinson made the Quidditch team?"

"Yep!" He says. I was happy that he remembered, and also that he sounded cheerful with the news rather than pissed off.

"Seriously, there's no way. You told him to say that, didn't you?" Malfoy snarls.

"Snape's right over there, ask him if you want an honest answer." I say.

"Professor?" Malfoy asks. Snape looks over at him. "Is it true that Odinson made the Gryffindor quidditch team?"

Snape makes a sour face. "I've been informed so by the headmistress, so yes, it is true."

"10 galleons, please!" I ask, holding out my hand.

"Not yet, you don't have a Firebolt." He says.

"I do. Meet me at the Quidditch pitch with 10 galleons tonight at 7:00 and I'll show you." I say.

"Fine, whatever." He says, rolling his eyes.

"If you don't, I'll tell everyone what happened last year..." I threaten. His face turns pink and he nods.

A reminder— last year I had punched him in the nose and the year before I had kicked him in the balls.

"I know that you use the girls bathroom though..." He sneers. Now it's my turn to blush profusely.

"It's because I'm genderfluid, you idiot!" I say, making a violent gesture underneath the table.

I've never told anyone that, least of all Malfoy. I just wanted to make it clear that I wasn't a peeping Tom or something stupid, and it's because of some logical, biological reasons.

"Ooh, what else are you?" He smirks.

"Do you even know what the hell gender fluid means?" I say, staring at him angrily.

"I have a hunch..." he says, snickering.

"Before you ask, I'm also bisexual, but you're probably too simple minded to even know what that means either." I say, glowering.

"Excuse me?"

I look up from the daisy roots to see Professor Snape standing over me. My heart drops. How much of that did he hear?

Loki Odinson and the Prisoner Of AzkabanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang