Chapter 1; Introductions

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    (Told from Loki's Point of View)

Maybe I shouldn't have been so adamant on my promise to overachieve more than anyone has overachieved ever before.

First of all, I can only practice spells without practicing the spells— since you're not allowed to use your wand outside of school. Maybe I'll just have to practice them at school, but that kind of defeats the purpose. Another thing, Thor still keeps bugging me about wanting to visit Diagon Alley, because he still remembers the promise I said before the second year.

I finally decided it was time to take Thor to see Diagon Alley after Harry sent me a letter telling me that he's apparently staying in the Leaky Cauldron after using his wand outside of school. If I knew he wouldn't get in trouble for it, I would have just tried out this tricky charm that I've been studying for a while.

"Thor?" I yell for him after I'm done with breakfast. I've settled for a black suit with a white collar, and I've done away with the bag for now. I wasn't planning on buying my school supplies with Thor, just imagining it was a nightmare.

"Coming brother!" Thor announced, hopping up from his chair at the dining table. I noticed he was wearing a hoodie and jeans, which was fine by me, even though I was dressed way more sharply than him. We went down to Heimdall with our horses and he obliged to take us down to Diagon Alley.

"When will I meet your friends?" Thor asks when we reach Midgard. He was so impatient.

"In a second..." I say, leading him across the crosswalk toward the Leaky Cauldron. I enter the tavern and lead Thor through the crowd of people over to the brick wall, and tap the three bricks to reveal Diagon Alley.

"Woah..." Thor marvels, looking around.

"Come on, Thor. We promised to meet Harry at Florean Fortescue's." I say, trying to lead him away.

"You promised..." he specifies, his eyes darting to every store.

"Didn't you say you wanted to meet my friends?" I say. "Plus it's an ice cream place..."

"What? Where?" Thor asks, looking around.

"Follow me..." I sigh, leading him to where Harry sits holding two ice creams.

"Hi Loki." He says, handing me one of the ice creams. Then his eyes settle on Thor. "Wait, is this..."

"I'm Thor, Loki's brother and god of th—"

"god of the world. He's joking, of course." I say, laughing. I smack Thor's hand discreetly under the table.

"Oh, just like you say you're the god of Mischief?" Harry says, laughing.

Thor looks at me in a way that says, "You told him?"

"Is there some inside joke that I'm not picking up on?" Harry asks.

"No, it's just funny that we both told you the same thing- that we're gods." I said. "We're obviously both joking, but it's funny."

Harry shrugs. "Anyway, I would have got you both ice cream if I knew Thor was coming..."

"nah, it's fine. I don't need anything." I say. Thor takes the ice cream from Harry greedily and starts to lick it.

"Are you getting your school supplies today?" Harry asks.

"Nah, I just wanted to introduce my brother to you guys. Or rather he wanted to meet you. Is Ron and Hermione here?"

"No, they came yesterday. Sorry to disappoint." Harry says. Thor does look disappointed.

"I thought I would get to meet..." Thor mumbles

"Yeah, sorry." I say. I couldn't pretend that I wasn't disappointed to not see Hermione today.

We left Diagon Alley early and Thor wasn't exactly very pleased. He decided that it wasn't as cool as he expected, I guess because he found out that I only have three friends.

I did have one thing to look forward to, though. I would be returning to Diagon Alley tomorrow without Thor and maybe that would be more enjoyable than today.

I was lying on my bed later that night when a raven flew into my room. It landed on the foot of my bed and I untied the letter from it's leg. I supposed that the owl that had delivered it had visited our house on Midgard that Frigga bought for my case.

The raven took off as I unopened the letter. I recognized Hermione's neat handwriting with a jolt;

Dear Loki,

I was approached by the Minister of Magic yesterday, and he said he wanted to speak with both of us regarding our decision to take all of the courses available this year. He's said that he would like to meet us both tomorrow at 9 AM in room 120 in the Leaky Cauldron. I don't know what it's for, but I think it's best that we both attend.

I hope you're doing well, I've missed you. Please write back soon— or just come and see me and the Minister tomorrow, that'll save some ink.


I fold up the paper and set it on my bedside table. I look up at the ceiling with happiness, knowing that I still have at least one friend that I'll be able to rely on this year. After the whole incident with the Chamber of Secrets, I wasn't sure if Harry was particularly fond of me anymore. And Ron never seemed to like me much either, but anything could happen.

Thinking happy thoughts about tomorrow, I roll over onto my side and fall asleep.

Loki Odinson and the Prisoner Of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now