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Danielle's p.o.v

SummerSlam 2018

I have not seen Finn at all today. He said he had a surprise for me later. But, he left early this morning to go to the gym and then he had to go to the Barclays Centre to go through his entrance and ring attire. So I'm just chilling with Nikki, Brie, and Birdie.

"Birdie Joe, is that a smile I see?"

She smiled at me as we played with her toys. If you're wondering we are in Brie's room, we all had breakfast here. Birdie was making me laugh by dancing and singing. She's so adorable. Nikki was on the phone to someone, I didn't know who though.

"She's going to love it, I know she will. Don't be nervous"

She talked a bit more and soon hung up the phone. I looked at her with a questioning face.

"I'm not spoiling the surprise but that was Finn and he was explaining the plan for tonight"

"Can I have at least one hint of the surprise?"

"You will definitely love it, and that you and Finn will 100% be having an eventful night"

"Did you really just say that we'll be having sex after SummerSlam"

"I sure did. I know you won't resist it"

"Must be a good damn surprise, oh and you two are my main guardians for tonight"

"Ok. Well Brie and I have to do an interview with Renee and then we're sitting in the crowd for Ronda's match"

"That's ok. Does that mean I can watch Birdie, Brie?"

"Yeah. Until Bryan has cooled off from his match"

"Awesome, you hear that Bir, I get to watch you whilst mommy works. Yes I do"

~ at SummerSlam ~

SummerSlam begins in 1 hour and I'm nervous but excited at the same time. I was nervous because this is where my life was bound to end and then I'm excited because I get to see everyone. I just hope I don't go anywhere near that place last year a.k.a one of the locker rooms in the Barclays Centre.

"Hey girl, want to head over to catering with us?"


Nikki and I walked to catering and found Colby, Joe, and Jon sitting down at one of the tables. I don't know why but I feel like something bad is gonna happen tonight.

"Sis, you alright?"

"Yeah, you ready for your match Colby?"

"Hell Yeah. You're looking at your new 2-time intercontinental champion, sis"

"I have total faith in you and you too Joe"

"Thanks, baby doll"

"Welcome. When's your match, Colby?"

"The first one"

"Good luck, even though you won't need it. And you Good, don't fuck anything up for my brother"

"Yes ma'am"


"I promise, little sis"

"Good. I'm gonna get some food, bye"

I walked up to food stands and gathered my food and returned to the guys, this time Sasha had joined us.

"Sasha, oh feels like I haven't seen you in forever"

"I know. How've you been?"


We got carried away with talking we lost track of time and realized there were 5 minutes until SummerSlam begins. I ventured back to the locker room and was met with Brie and a table covered in snacks, some vegan and some baby. I didn't mind the vegan food. It was quite tasty actually.

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