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Colby's p.o.v
I saw Danielle last night with Finn and she truly looks happy with him. I regret what I said to her. I knew I crossed the line with her. I'm trying to talk to her but she won't let me. I really don't blame her. Right now I'm at the gym with Joe.
"Maybe just give her some more time. Try and leave her alone tonight. I''m sure that's all she needs"
"I know. But I shouldn't of said what I said to her. You should've seen the look in her eyes. Anger and Sadness. I brought those memories back for her. I'm the worst brother ever, Joe"
"I'm not taking sides here but maybe it was a heat of the moment type thing. If you want I could try talking to her before or during RAW"
"That would help a lot man, thanks. Keep me updated on what she says"
"I will, don't worry"
We finished our workout and then headed back to the hotel.
Danielle's p.o.v
"I need help"
"With what?"
"Avoiding Colby"
"Still holding a grudge against him"
"Yep. Problem Devitt?"
"What's the problem?"
"I need kisses"
I wrapped my arms around his waist and pecked his lips. His left hand caressed my face as his right hand stayed out on my waist. I placed my arms around his neck as I deepened the kiss. We soon pulled away and caught our breaths.
"I'm talking to Cathy tonight. I'm nervous"
"You don't have to force yourself to do this Finn. If it feels too soon, I'm fine with waiting"
"No. I wanna do this. I've already thought of our first date together"
"Oh really. Can I know?"
"Well as you know in a couple weeks we are going to Europe and well I thought that when we go to Ireland; I could take you to Bray and take you up the mountain and watch the sunset. With a picnic of course"
"That sounds romantic. I like the fact that we're waiting a couple of weeks so it doesn't look obvious"
"Yeah and I thought we could go on a few more dates before you become my official girlfriend"
"I never knew you were this romantic Fergal Devitt"
"Well now you do"
"I'm glad I met you whilst training for NXT 4 years ago"
"Same here mo grá"
"I can't believe I'm about to say these words; I love you Fergal Devitt"
"I love you Danielle Elizabeth Lopez"
We quickly shared another kiss before a knock was heard at my door. I went to open it to find Joe.
"Hey Big Dog. If you've come here on Colby's behalf, I don't want to hear it"
"Well then, i'll just ask how are you?"
"I've been better. But if you going to try and get me to talk Colby. Think again because it's not happening"
"Ok. I guess I'll see at RAW"
"Yeah and sorry I didn't mean to be harsh towards you"
"It's fine babygirl. I understand how you feel. I used to have grudges against my brother"
"Yeah. I've told Colby to give you a few days apart"
"Thanks. See you later"
"So Finn and Danielle. Your tag team partners will be Sasha Banks and Roman Reigns"
"Thanks Kurt, when is our match"
"Your match is the 4th one tonight"
"Ok thanks"
Kurt walked away as Finn hugged me. He quickly planted a kiss on my cheek.
"Uh oh"
"What Dani?"
"Cathy alert"
"Shit. I'll be back before our match"
"Ok. I'll just meet you by the gorilla"
He nodded and walked away. I walked towards the women's locker room and got my gear ready. I was going to be wearing a crop version of the LBGT Bálor Club top along with my combat boots and booty shorts, as I like to call them.
"Hey Danielle"
"Hey Bayley"
"How are you?"
"I'm good you?"
"I'm perfect"
"How's the process going between you and Sasha?"
"Really good. I'm kind off enjoying it"
"That's good then. You got a match tonight?"
"Not sure have to go check. Be back in a minute"
I waved her off as I started getting changed.
RAW had started and every RAW superstar was standing at the top of the ramp. I was placed between Colby and Finn. We were all paying our respects to Bruno Sammartino and we all wore tops dedicated to him. The bell tolled 10 times as we stood in silence. As Finn stood slightly in front of him, he had reached his hand back and grabbed mine. I smiled a little. As a tribute video to Bruno played and we made our way backstage.
"Hey Finn?"
"What did Cathy say?"
"Could we go somewhere private?"
Finn grabbed my hand led me towards a storage cupboard.
"She broke up with me. She told me that clearly see I'm in love with you. She didn't seem mad at all"
"Really? Are you sure she wasn't hiding it"
"I dunno but I'm free babe"
"I know. Gimme a kiss"
He pushed me against the wall and kissed me. We soon left the room and bumped into Kurt.
"Ah Danielle, Finn. I was looking for you. Change of plans. Danielle you'll be in the 10 woman tag team match tonight alongside Sasha, Ember, Nia and Natalya"
"Ok thanks"
"What about me Kurt?"
"You'll be teaming up with Seth, but you have a segment with Bo and Curtis in about 20 minutes"
As Kurt walked away a smile appeared on my face.
"Ahh I'm in the main event match. This is so exciting"
"Congrats babe. I know you'll do great"
I watched as Finn and Colby did their entrances. I truly love when those two teamed up together. They had some great in ring chemistry. Going back to Summerslam 2016. It was beautiful. Finn went out first, followed by Colby.
The guys match was awesome. They came backstage after their win and Finn came and hugged me.
"Good luck in your match mo grá"
"Thank you! Now go shower you are sweaty"
He walked away as Colby sent me a small smile. I looked down.
As Sasha went and did her entrance, I was waiting to do my entrance just before Nia.
"From Davenport, Iowa. Danielle"
I walked down the ramp in my Bálor Club top. Greeting fans as I made my way to the ring. I jumped to the middle rope and waved to the fans before standing next to Sasha.
Colby's p.o.v
Danielle's match was underway as Nia was currently in the ring with Mickie. Danielle had her hand out ready to make a tag as her other team member were currently on the floor after being ambushed by the other team. Nia crawled her way to the corner and tagged Danielle in.
"Hey you watching the match?"
"Hey Finn. Yeah I am"
"She's doing do so far"
"Yeah that's my little sis"
"She'll come around Colby"
"I know"
The match continued as Danielle had dropkicked Alexa into the mat. She started stomping her foot on the mat. As she ran up she knocked down by Ruby. She fell out of the ring and collapsed ringside. Ruby put her back in the ring and Danielle gained energy and stood up and hit Ruby with sling blade and then hit Alexa with a sling blade and then a curb stomp. She went for the pin.
"Here are your winner the team of Sasha Banks, Natalya, Nia Jax, Ember Moon and Danielle!"

Danielle's p.o.v
That felt good to wrestle and to win as well in a main event match. It felt good. As I was walking back to the locker room. Renee stopped me for an interview.
"Danielle. Congratulations on your win tonight. How did it feel?"
"It felt amazing. To be alongside those talented women. Truly is a dream come true"
She was about to ask me another question but I was hit from behind. I turned my head to see Alexa.
"Huh. You think you can hit me with curb stomp!"
She picked me up and threw me against the wall. She kept throwing insults at me until one hit me hard.
"You like being beaten don't you Danielle! We all know you do!"
I lost my cool and charged at her. Pinning her to the floor and throwing repeated punches at her. I slammed her head into the ground until someone pulled me off.
"I dare you to say that again Alexa! I dare you!
"I said, you like being beaten don't you!"
"You better watch your mouth because you just crossed the line sweetheart!"
"Mo grá. Calm down"
As soon as I heard that Irish voice I was calm. It's like nothing had happened.
"What the hell happened here!"
"You know what happened Kurt! You perfect little bliss just crossed the line with me. You're lucky I didn't put her in the hospital"
"Right. Next week you are in a match against Alexa and Mickie will be banned from ringside"
I turned back to Alexa and Mickie and smirked at them.
"See you next week bitch"
Finn and I were currently at the airport waiting to go back to Orlando.
"You did really great in you match Fergal"
"Thank you. You did do aswell. But something seems to be bothering you"
"Don't let what she said get to you"
"It's hard not to"
"Look at me. If you can overcome what that bastard of an ex did to you; you can definitely come over what Alexa said"
"Why are always right"
"I just am"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
"However, I love food and sleep more. So I'm gonna get food"
"I'll join you babe"
The rest of the night consisted off getting our plane home to Orlando and me helping Finn repack for Jeddah. We slept for a bit and then I had to drop Finn to the airport.
"text me when you land ok"
"I will. And you'll be checking in on my house whilst I'm away"
"Yes. I'll be here to take your mail. Please have a safe flight and try not to punch Colby too hard in your mat"
"Can't promise anything"
"You know I'm secretly rooting for you to win"
"Really. Not even your own brother"
"Well of course I'm cheering for him but I'm going for you more"
"Thanks babe. I gotta go. Don't miss me too much"
"Can't promise anything"
"Do you think we should share a kiss in public or not?"
"One won't hurt"
We quickly shared a kiss and he went to his gate. It was a little unfair how is women can't go to Jeddah but hey we get 6 days off wrestling.

In Love With A Demon (Finn Bálor)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu