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Danielle's p.o.v
Tonight was the Superstar Shake Up. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I can't wait to see who's joining us and which one of us is going. Sadly I wasn't wrestling tonight. I had come down with a fever and tonsillitis. Lucky enough I'm gonna be ringside whenever Colby is scheduled to go out. Whoop. Well that's if my fever goes down.
"Hey little sis. How's your fever?"
"I don't know can you check for me please"
Colby placed his hand across my forehead.
"You seem to be cooling down. Ooh Kurt has scheduled for me to be in 10 man tag team match"
"That's awesome. Who are you teaming with"
"Finn, Braun, Bobby Lashley and a mystery partner"
"Ooh wonder who that will be. Can't wait"
"We'll see how are you towards the match. Hopefully you should be fine by the"
"Hopefully. I love the crowds reaction when we go out there together. Power Siblings of WWE Forever"
It went silent for a bit as Colby was in the bathroom.
"How's Sarah. I miss my bestie"
"She's Fine. I think she might be coming to Africa with us this week"
"For real! Like seriously! OMG! This is amazing"
"I'm glad you like her, sis"
"She's the first one of the girlfriends who haven't fucked you over yet brother. You know what I say when that happens"
"If anyone pisses me off, then they piss you off"
"Well done you remembered"
"I'll always remember"
"Good brother"
As we stopped talking there was knock on the door.
"It's open!"
Soon Finn walked through the door. He gave both of us a smile before sitting down opposite us.
"Hey guys. Colby. Do you know who our fifth member is?"
"No. It's starting to bug me"
"Same here. Hey Dani, mo grá"
"Did you just call me 'my love'?"
"Yes. Problem?"
"No. I just haven't heard it in a while"
"Oh. Are you gonna be ringside for our match"
"Hopefully. When this fever goes down a bit more"
"Oh shit yeah how is your throat"
"It's Fine. Wait hold up. You're wearing blue. You better not be hinting anything Fergal"
"I don't wanna move either mo grá"
As we got into deep conversation, we completely forgot about Colby. I'm don't think he was bothered by it though. He knew how Finn & I were close.
"Hey Dani?"
"Yes Colby.
"I'm gonna go catering did you want anything?"
"No I think I'm good"
"Finn did you need anything?"
"No thanks man"
When Colby left I turned my attention back to Finn. It felt good talking to him. Lately all he seems to talk about his Cathy this. Cathy that. I know it's his girlfriend but gosh you don't need to brag about it.
"Dani. You there?"
"Sorry must of drifted off"
"You sure did. I was asking if you wanted to go grab some food tomorrow when we land?"
"Yeah sure"
"Great. I'm gonna go get a quick warm up in. Hopefully I'll see you at the gorilla"
"Yeah. Hopefully"
He left the room and I waited a few minutes before I screamed. Probs wasn't a good idea for my throat but who cares.
"Woah. You alright sis"
"I am fine. Fucking fantastic"
"Ok that was a sarcastic reply. What's wrong"
"Nothing you need to worry about big bro. Worry about your match"
"Are you sure? You can always talk to me"
"Yes I am sure"
"I know you said you didn't want anything but I got you your favourite"
"And Cheetos"
"Ah yes. Thanks brother!"
"Anytime. Now let's check your fever"
He placed his hand back on my forehead and a surprised look frowned upon his face.
"You're fever has gone. That's you mean you can come ringside"
"Yay. This is amazing"

The main event match had come quicker than usual and I was standing next to Colby in the gorilla. The fifth member wasn't in here with us because it was a surprise. I can't wait to see who it is. I soon felt a pair of arms around my neck. I noticed the familiar blue leather jacket.
"Mo grá. You made it"
"I sure did. No more fever"
"I'm glad you're here"
"Same here"
As I turned my face back towards Colby. I noticed he had a smile on his face. I flipped him off as Braun's theme hit. As he did his entrance Finn let go of me and stood in his spot ready to go out. The Bobby Lashley went out.
"You ready Sis"
"Hell Yeah!"
As Finn walked out, Colby & I stood in position ready to make out entrance. Colby's music soon hug and I walked out first with him behind him.
"From Davenport, Iowa being accompanied by Danielle. He is the Intercontinental champion. Seth Rollins!"
The crowd cheered as we walked down the ramp. I climbed into the ring and stood between Braun and Finn as Colby was on the ropes. As Colby got in the ring the lights went out and the sound of grand piano echoed through the arena. The word Glorious was echoed through the arena. Holy shit. We have two Bobby's on our team. Bobby Roode officially bleeds RED.

The match was nearing to an end as the rest of team watched Braun demolish The Miz I was helping Finn to his feet as he cheered Braun on. As soon as The Miz hit the mat the referee started counting.
"Here our your winners the team of Seth Rollins, Bobby Roode, Bobby Lashley, Finn Bálor and Braun Strowman"
I had placed myself in the corner of the ring clapping at the victorious team when Seth came and got me.
"Come here"
I was soon placed in front of Braun and he had lifted me up onto his shoulders as I celebrated with the team.

"Hey Roode. Welcome to Team RAW"
"Thanks Dani. Can't wait to work with everyone here"
"Trust me you'll love it"
"I hope so"
We shared a hug and went our separate ways.
"Hey brother. You ready to head to the hotel"
"Yeah. I've put your bags in the car ready for you"
"Thank you! I'll meet at the car. Ok. I gotta go see Becky"

"You haven't told Finn you love him yet?"
"No I'm scared Becky. What if he doesn't feel the same way. I don't want ruin our friendship and most importantly I don't want to ruin his relationship with Cathy"
"There's nothing you can do wrong. Get your feelings out. You have every right to do that. Don't hold yourself back"
"Why are you always right?"
"Cuz I am. Now go you have to get ready for South Africa"
"I'm so excited for that trip, bye Becky!"
As I was walking I bumped into Finn.
"Hello there Fergie"
"I knew you would remember that nickname"
"Of course I would. You ready for South Africa?"
"Yeah I always love the culture there"
"Same. Who you sat next to on the plane?"
"Nia. Who you got?"
"Ahh lucky! I got Colby and Joe. The joys of that seating. I'm sitting on the end seat"
"Haha have fun. I'll be happy to switch with you halfway through"
"Thank you. You're the best"
"That's what Friends are for"
"Yeah. Can you believe our 4 years anniversary of our friendship is coming up"
"I know. I'm just a little boy from Ireland"
"And I'm just a little girl form Iowa"
We continued our walk towards the car.

The next morning
Here we are at the airport waiting to get on our flight to South Africa. I was currently standing behind Nia. Colby was stood behind me, then Joe. Sasha was at the front with Gallows and Anderson and Finn was stood behind them.
"Hope you know brother. I've called dibs on the end seat"
"Aww man it's gonna be an uncomfortable plane ride"
"Haha. Suck it up"
He flipped me a middle finger. Joe started laughing behind us.
"You two remind me of my brother & I"
"Thank you Joe. You hear that Colby"
"Loud and Clear"
I handed the lady and ticket and walked onto the plane to find my seat. I saw Nia with her phone out, pointing towards me. I sent a wave towards her camera. Ooh our seats are right in front of Nia and Finn.
"Uh. You and Colby can share this row. We'll be too squashed together. I think there's a spare seat next to Sasha"
"You sure Joe"
"Yeah I'm sure"
"Ok. I'll now call dibs on the window seat"
"Not fair sis"
"We if you were here quick enough you would have it; Ooh Joe. I was meaning to say. I know this is a hard day for you. Sending my love!"
"Thanks Dani. I know Matt is looking down on me right now and is proud of me"
"I know he is"
I sat down in my seat and opened up Instagram on my phone. I clicked to add a new video on my story. I held the phone up and zoomed in on Finn. As soon as he spotted the camera he did his big smile and held up a 'too sweet" pose. I do this all time when we're on a flight together. I annoy him the whole flight. He finds it funny, so do I. I turned my head to look at Colby and noticed he was giving the same smile as last night. I opened up my messages and messaged him.

Text Convo; D (Dani) C (Colby)
D: Boo. I know we're sat next to sat each other but why do you keep giving that smile every time I speak/look at Finn
C: it's obvious you like him sis. Just tell him
D: how the hell do you know that?
C: begins with a B ends with a Y
D: Becky. I should've known. I can't tell him. I'll ruin our friendship and his relationship with Cathy
C: you have every right to express your feelings your sis. You deserve someone who loves you.
D: really? I just thought that I would get hurt after last year
C: Finn is not like that guy. He will never hurt you and if he did; well he's got me to deal with
D: thanks. I just don't to fuck anything up between us
C: everything will be fine. You just pick the right time to tell him and I'll be there to support you
D: I love you brother
C: I love you too sis. You deserve happiness in your life at a times
D: 💞
I locked my phone and sent Colby a smile before starting a conversation up with Nia. We talked about all the sights seeings we were going to do in South Africa. I decided to get some sleep on this flight so I'm not so cranky when this flight has ended.

In Love With A Demon (Finn Bálor)Where stories live. Discover now