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Danielle's p.o.v

Money in the Bank 2018. It's finally here. Unfortunately, I am not in any matches tonight so I get to stay in my own clothes a.k.a Jumper and Leggings. I couldn't be bothered to dress up and sit in a dress and heels for like 4 hours. Finn was nervous about his match. Colby was nervous about his match. The only person not nervous about their match was Natalya. Only because she's been in a ladder match before for the contract. She was just helping the other females out and giving them advice.



"I'm bored"

"What shall I do about it?"

"Cure my boredom"


"Think of something"

He walked over to me and started to kiss me and it soon turned into a make-out session. Damn. Well, the session was cut short because Finn was needed for an interview. I groaned. 

"Sorry baby, duty calls"

"UGH!, now I'm bored again"

"I'm sure one of the girls around to talk"

"They all have matches to get ready for, I don't"

"You still bummed about that?"

"Yeah, not one person did anyone considered me in a qualifying match and I'm fucking annoyed Fergal"

"I don't blame you, babe. They completely ignored you. Remember they wouldn't give me a rematch for the championship"

"Yeah, but you had a contender's match"

"I have to go do this interview and when I get back, we'll continue our session"

"You better. Otherwise no sex for you for a week"

"Damn. I'll be as quick as I can"

"Promise when the interview, come back here and continue our session"

"Cross my heart and hope to die"

"Don't actually die"

"I'll try not to"

He left the room and I was left to get myself out of the boring 10 minutes I had. As I was walking around the room folding Finn's clothes there was a knock at the door. Assuming it was one of the boys or girls.

"It's open"

I heard the door open and then it was locked.

"Miss you"

I turned around and was frozen. Justin stood there with an evil smirk on his face. 

"Get out Justin!"

"I'm not going anyway baby, I never finished what I started. Finn ruined it last summer"

"No, please don't hurt me"

"You've got nowhere to run baby. It's just you and I. I plan on making you bleed and hurt just like last year"

"No, please Justin"

"Justin! Please don't hurt me"

"Aww just like last year. I remember you begging for me to stop. I told you to stop talking to Finn and you didn't listen, did you? And now look you're dating him"

"You hurt me, Justin. I wasn't going to stop talking to him just for you"

"Better get prepared"

Before I could say anything he punched me in the jaw. I fell backward and he smashed a vase over my head causing me to fall onto the floor. I started crawling towards the door, but Justin had picked me up and threw me against the wall. He grabbed my jaw and turned my head towards him.

"You left me, Danielle. You hurt me. So I hurt you back"

"You hurt me and I wanted to leave you. You do not hit your own fucking girlfriend, Justin!"

He pushed my head into the wall and I collapsed to the floor again. Justin went into the bathroom, looking for another object to hurt me with. I managed to crawl towards the door and unlocked it. 

"Oh, I don't think so sweetie!"


The door slammed shut and it locked. I felt something against hit my back multiple times. I was flipped over and was punched in the face and I could feel blood dripping all over my face. I felt so weak. 

"You never listened to Danielle. You deserve this! You're a fucking bitch and don't deserve fucking love in your life!"

"Fu-fuck you, Justin"

"You already have baby"

I was slapped in the face and soon he undid he belt and whipped across my chest, legs and back. I cried out in pain and heard banging at the doors.


It was Joe. 


I heard him walking away and soon there was another person at the door.

"You made the wrong mistake there baby. Nobody wants to help a worthless and defenseless girl like you!"

More people were banging at the door and I heard someone trying to knock the door down. Justin had pulled something out of his bag. It looked heavy and would definitely knock me out. Just as he about to whack across my head the door was slammed open. I felt Justin being pulled off me and someone knelt beside me.

"Dani, it's Colby. Can you hear me?"

"I c-can't m-move"

"The medics are here now"

"Danielle, we need to roll you onto your back, OK"

I let out a small OK and winced at their touch.


"We know it hurts Danielle. As soon as you are turned over, we will put some painkillers in your system to help"

I slowly nodded and let them carry on doing their job. I was finally on my back and winced at the contact. Colby was standing on my left side and Joe was on my right side. 


"Yeah, sis?"

"W-where's F-fergal?"

"He's right outside Sis"

"I w-want him"

Finn's p.o.v

I was going to kill that bastard! He hurt my baby. I couldn't look at her. It hurt too much to see her in so much pain. Colby joined me and informed me that Danielle wanted me next to her. I walked next to her and held her hand, she flinched but calmed down when she heard my voice.

"Babe, it's me Fergal"

"Hi Fe-rg"

"I know it's hard. I promise I'll be right by your side when the show finished, alright. I'm going to keep that promise"

"OK. I love you"

"I love you too"

I kissed her hand as she taken away into the ambulance. I fell to the floor and cried. I felt someone pat my back and looked up to find Joe.

"She'll be alright Finn. She's a fighter"

"I know. It just hurts to know that the person you love so much, is in so much pain"

"Everything will be alright. As soon as the match is finished later. Colby and I will come with you to the hospital"

"Thanks, Joe"

As the match to an end, I lost. I couldn't help but think about Danielle the whole time. I just hope she's OK. 

In Love With A Demon (Finn Bálor)Where stories live. Discover now