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Finn's p.o.v
Last night was something. Danielle telling me how she feels towards me. Me kissing her. Now I have to deal with Cathy went we get back to Orlando next week. However, Danielle is being distant with me. I know why. She wants to be apart until I talk to Cathy about what happened. I don't want that to happen. Besides we have a mixed tag team match on Monday. We were checking into our flight back home into Johannesburg at the moment I couldn't stop repeating what happened.After that kiss with Danielle; I have mixed feelings. I love Cathy but Danielle is something different. Maybe I need to do what Colby said; wait a couple days and see how I feel. I vowed to never hurt her like her last relationship.

Danielle's p.o.v
"You can't just kiss and then drift apart come each other"
"We both agreed we would until he sorted things with Cathy. Why do you care Colby?"
"I don't want you making stupid decisions and letting someone go"
"I make stupid decisions. You're a fine one to talk"
"Really I'm not the one who ended up with an abusive ex boyfriend"
"Fuck you!"
"No seriously you just screwed up big time. Don't talk to me"
I walked onto the plane and looked for my seat. I can't believe he just said that. My own brother fucking said that to my face. As I sat down in my seat, someone sat next to me. Finn. Of course.
"Hey Danielle"
"Are you alright?"
"I hate my brother"
"What did he do now?"
"Just crosses the line"
"Do you wanna talk about it when arrive at her first stop and switch planes?"
"I don't mind. Just don't put me anywhere near Colby otherwise he'll have a broken nose"
"Ok mo grá. Do you want to lean on me and sleep"
"If you don't mind"
"Of course not come here"
I moved a little close to him and placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

I felt someone shaking me.
"Dani. The planes landed. Wake up"
"No. I just wanna sleep"
"Come on you can sleep whilst waiting for the next plane back to Orlando"
As soon as he said Orlando I woke up.
"I heard the word Orlando"
"Haha. Yeah no we're going straight to St Louis"
"Screw you. I was having a nice sleep"
"Sorry. I promise you can fall asleep on the next flight"
As we walked off the plane, Colby was stood behind me. Ugh! Can I just punch his face. Finn held my hand as we were talking off the plane.
"Danielle. Can I please talk to you?"
"What. There's nothing to talk about! So leave me alone Colby"
By now we were off the plane and I had let go off Finn's hand and walked ahead of them into the airport and checked into my next flight back to Orlando.

Finn's p.o.v
"Colby let her have some time to herself. I'm sure she'll fine sometime next week"
"She's only going to talk to everyone else but me. Ugh. Why did I have to say a heartless thing"
"Look. Danielle promised she'd talk to me about whilst we're waiting for a next plane"
"Keep me updated?"
"Sure thing. Now go check in. I'll go find Danielle"
I left Colby and went to find Danielle. If I were Daniel where would I be? Definitely not waiting for the plane. The bar? I walked over to the bar and found her sitting there drinking.
"Don't drink too much mo grá"
"Ha. You're funny"
"What happened?"
"He said that I was stupid to be away from you and I told him he was a fine one too talk and then he said to me 'I'm not the one who ended up with an abusive ex boyfriend"
"Wow. He really did cross the line"
"Yep. My own brother used that against me and he knows how much I hate that memory. I just can't be near him right now"
"I understand. Wanna hug?"
"Yes please"
I pulled her off the chair and into my chest. I placed a kiss on top of her head and held her close. I could see Colby out the corner of eye, looking guilty. He should be. After everything she's been through. She was finally getting happy and he brought back up.
"What do you say. When we get to St Louis; I take you out somewhere to eat and maybe get a drink. Sound good?"
"Sounds perfect but you're gonna have to give at least an hour to freshen up and get changed"
"Sorted. I'll come by your hotel room say 6pm"
"Ok. So that gives me at least 5 1/2 hours to sleep and get ready. Ooh this is exciting. How come you always know how turn my negatives into positives?"
"I have no idea mo grá. Now come on I think our plane is boarding"
I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the entrance door to our plane.
"Do you have your own room or are you sharing with Colby?"
"Well before you came and found I went into the hotel we're staying at and booked another room so I'm by myself"
"Ok. Tell me what room number when we get there"
"Of course Fergie"

In Love With A Demon (Finn Bálor)Where stories live. Discover now