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Danielle's p.o.v

15th August 2018

27. Damn 3 more years and I'm 30. I woke to the sun peeking through the curtains. Finn's arms were wrapped around my waist pulling me close to him. I turned around in his grip and admire his facial features. His beard was soft and his cute little snores were the most beautiful sound to wake up to. If you've ever watched Hercules and heard how Pegasus snored, that's exactly like Finn. I lightly kissed his lips and caressed his face. His eyes slowly opened and he looked at me before kissing me.

"Happy Birthday Fiance"

"Thank you. What're the plans for today?

"Nikki and Brie have arrived so they offered to take you for a spa day. Then they're going to glam you up before I take you out for dinner. Then to finish the night off we are meeting everyone for drinks"

"By everyone you mean who exactly?"

"Colby, Sarah, Jon, Renee, Joe, Nikki, Brie, Nia, Leah and basically most people from RAW and Smackdown"

"Ah, that's good. I miss everyone"

"Right go get ready, the girls are going to be here in 3o minutes"

"I take it I have to wear a swimsuit?"


"Slight problem, I don't have any of mine"


"I'll go ask Sarah quickly"

I slipped Finn's t-shirt over my underwear and walked to Colby's room. I knocked on the door and my brother answered.

"Morning birthday girl"

"Morning. Sorry, I'm in a rush. Does Sarah have a swimsuit I could borrow?"

"Let me ask her"

I waited about 2 minutes before Colby returned with a black bikini with neon patterns on.

"Thank You, Sarah!"


"Right, I'll see you later. Love you"

"Love you too little sis"

I walked into my hotel bedroom and started changing. Finn sat on the bed watching me. I never really minded Finn watching me, even when we weren't dating. I just felt comfortable to change around him. 

"Babe, you're drooling a little"

"Sorry, but I might be drooling somewhere else too"

"Is someone a little excited?"

"Yeah. Fergal Jr is kinda craving you"

"Later. After all, it is my birthday and that could be one of my presents from you"

"Hmm, sounds good"

"Have I ever told you what my biggest turn on from you was?"

"No. Please inform me"

"Your thick Irish accent and your smile"

"My accent turns you on"


He got out of the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist, whilst I plaited my hair in the mirror. He leaned down to my ear and started whispering.

"What about when I whisper in your ear like this. What about when I tell you that you are the most beautiful, amazing, talented girl I've always wanted in my life"

"Fergal, stop"

"Made you blush"

"I have also told you just how much I love you butt"

"I gathered that everyone loves a good butt"

"I love you"

"Love you too"

I walked into the kitchen and drank some coffee before sitting on the countertop. Finn walked out and stood in between my legs. He hands ran up an down my thighs as he kissed me. We made out for a few minutes and didn't even realize the girls had arrived.

"Get it, girl!"

"Hey girls"

"Ooh, not embarrassed of a make-out session"

"Nothing to be embarrassed about. You ready?"

"Yeah. Want us to wait outside whilst you finish your session"

"If you want"

They left the room and I turned back to Finn and made out with him for 5 more minutes before leaving the room.

~at the spa~

It was Brie, Birdie and I at the moment. Nikki was getting a massage whilst we sat by the pool.

"So, let's see the ring"

"If you insist"

I lifted my hand up and showed her the ring.

"Woah. Finn really loves you"

"He does. He knew how much I loved this ring when we were in Europe back in May"

"He's had it since May"

"I guess so"

"You guys are going to have the cutest babies ever"

"Not as cute as little Birdie over here"

I placed her on my lap as I pulled funny faces at her. I saw Brie holding her phone either recording or taking photos. I didn't mind. Just gives me an idea of what I'd like with my own children. We spoke for a few more minutes before my phone pinged next to me.

(MD = My Demon)

MD ~ you look good with children :) x

D ~ you think so? x

MD: I know so, do you want children before or after the wedding? x

D: I haven't thought about that x

MD: let me know and I'll be ready x

D: you're the cutest fiance ever! x

MD: you're the sexiest fiance ever! x

D: are you still excited? x

MD: a little, can we do one round when you get back

D: only for you baby x

MD: awesome, I'll get myself ready for you

D: *mentally facepalms* ;)

MD: you know you love Fergal Jr x

D: sometimes. I'll see you later. 

MD: have a good day at the Spa x

D: thanks ;) x

I locked my phone and Nikki had joined us by the pool with a glass of Champagne of course. We swam around the pool for a bit. Birdie was sat in her little rubber ring. She's so cute. We spent 2 hours at the spa before we headed back to our hotel. I walked in through the door and saw rose petals over the floor. What a romantic fiance. 

"Finn, I'm back!"

"In the bedroom!"

I placed my bag on the floor by the kitchen and walked towards the bedroom. The curtains were closed and fake candles were lit around the bed and on the nightstand. I looked up at the bed and saw Finn, lying on the bed naked with a rose in his mouth.

"You are the most romantic man ever"

"Gotta show my girl some love

"Thank you. If this is what I get for my birthday. I can't even imagine our wedding night and honeymoon"

"Mrs. Devitt, will you please take this rose as a token of my love?"

"Of Course"

p.s leaving it there...lol. you all know what happens next :)

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