Chapter One

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                                                                        Chapter One

            I wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating, signaling I got a text message. I slowly open my eyes and check my clock. 10 AM. I groan. I hate getting up before noon, especially on Fridays in the middle of summer. School starts in less then a month, and I want to savor it while it lasts. I disgruntally turn my radio on to help me wake up and check my phone. One of my best friends, Alisa, had texted me.

            Hey girl! Just a reminder that my party starts at 6:30. Can’t wait till then!    


            I sigh. Alisa was having a sleepover party to celebrate the release of the Divergent movie. All the girls were going to the sleepover, and then the next day we would meet up with some guy friends and watch the movie. I text Alisa back quickly.

            Totally. So excited!!!!!!!


            My name’s Juliette Stevenson. I’m the craziest of our group of friends, once you get to know me. I’m really weird and loud, so people either love me or hate me. I don’t care about anything that other people say about me, except my friends and family. This usually works out well with my friends, since they’re really supportive of me. My family, on the other hand, not so much.

 I pick out what to wear, just a simple graphic T-shirt and sweatpants. I’m not going anywhere in public until tomorrow, so why not? I take a long shower so my hair would be dry by the time I go to the party. And yes, my hair is so thick it takes a few hours to dry it. I let the water run down my body, cleaning off all of my worries and sorrows. I step out of the shower and change. I comb my short brown hair and go downstairs for breakfast. Captain Crunch, to be exact.

            Just as I’m finishing my cereal, my older brother, Kevin, comes downstairs.

            “Hey, sleepy head,” I tease him as he gets out the frosted flakes.

            “Just wait until you’re in college and stay up until four in the morning.” Kevin grumbles back.

            “I already do that, silly. I’m a teenage girl, remember?” Kevin narrows his eyes.

            “Are you sure? I thought you were an old man.” He smiles and I smile back. We always tease each other back and forth like that.

I put my bowl in the dishwasher and walk back to my room. My room is a complete and utter mess. Like, I can’t even see the floor anymore. I keep telling myself to clean my room. Sometimes, I get inspiration to clean my room, so I start organizing, and then three hours later I’m on the internet, so I get nothing done. Oh well. There’s always next time.

I decide to go on the internet for a few hours instead of doing actual work. Eventually, I decide to pack for the sleepover. I pack some clothes, my sketch pad, my nook, and my journal. By now it’s 6 PM. I walk downstairs and set my bag on the kitchen counter. All of a sudden, I don’t feel very well. I don’t necessarily feel physically sick. I just have this foreboding in my mind that something bad is going to happen. I sit on a kitchen chair unsteadily just as my dad comes upstairs from his man cave.

“Hey Juliette, ready to go?” He asks cheerfully.

“I don’t know,” I say unsteadily.

“I’m not feeling very well.”

“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to, Juliette.” I think about it for a second, then shake my head.

“I’m feeling better now. Let’s go.”

I wish I hadn’t said that. Then my dad wouldn’t of taken me to Alisa’s house, and none of this would’ve ever happened. But I did, and then we went into my dad’s car and drove to Alisa’s house. Where all of this crap happened. Where my life changes forever.

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