1.91 Yong WangFei (2)

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[Would you believe me if I said that, every night when I sleep, I thought I could faintly still feel your warmth by my side?]

[Would you believe me, that despite all my selfishness, I still cherish our times together?]

[You gave me my name. Without Ji LanBai, there would never be Bai YuLan]

[However, my dear sister, please be known that I am happy.]

[Therefore, I wish that you are happy today as well, as it is your wedding day. I wish you will always be happy, with a loving man by your side, with loving people by your side.]

[He will spoil you, laugh with you, play guqin with you... and perhaps... make you cakes...]

Ji LanBai could not help to laugh at the sudden image of Zhang GuoFu toiling in the kitchen.

[Perhaps there will be one day that we may meet again. Then again, perhaps, that day will never come.]

[However, in the meanwhile, my beautiful white orchid, please know that, Bai YuLan, will never stop praying for your happiness.]

Inside the box, was a the lightest shade of blue fabric. As Ji LanBai unfolded the fabric, it was actually a handkerchief, made of the finest silk.

On it, was an intricate embroidery, depicting a lone thin branch with blooming white magnolia. Some of the white petals fell onto a single stalk of white orchid, embroidered, at the bottom of the fabric.

Ji LanBai brought the piece of silk fabric close to her chest as she kept reading,

[I have to say, my embroidery skill is not bad, right? Xiao Hui is stricter than your father in teaching me embroidery. She does not care that I stabbed my own fingers with needles quite often already. She will not give up. I even do embroidery in my dreams nowadays...]

Ji LanBai let out a sudden giggle, choked with a sob. She did not realize her tears had fallen onto the paper, now starting to distort some of the ink as the moist blurred out some of the written characters.

She panicked and handed the paper to Xiao Lin.

"Please read the last couple of lines for me," she clutched on the handkerchief, trying to make her voice steady as could be.

Xiao Lin soon spoke with clear voice,

["Please be happy, LanBai. And if you are willing, please keep my small gift close to you."]

["I have always, am always, will always, think of you."]

Xiao Lin paused, "WangFei, that's the end."

"'If I am willing'," Ji LanBai huffed amidst her chuckles, "If I am willing... ," she whispered against the silk handkerchief.


Zhang GuoFu was tipsy. Who knew that his two elder Prince brothers, and the two Generals could very well be alcoholics. Not only them, his other guests would not let him off without toasting at least a few cups as well.

The proverb said that the groom had to exchange 'hundred cups of wine', but Zhang GuoFu was sure that he had hit a thousand mark.

In his defense, it was himself against the numbers, so he was bound to sway first.

Finally, Second Prince Zhang JunLi and General Ji SongLi called it quits after noticing his graying complexion by each passing moment.

"Please be kind to his new WangFei. She is still waiting for her husband," Ji SongLi had joked as the other guests protested, while Zhang GuoFu was supported by his two elder brothers to escape from the already drunken crowd,

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