Chapter 25

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* Leahs POV *

The last show in NYC was ok, I mean I wasn't anywhere near Shawn so it was fine. Before I knew it I was on the plane, heading to LA. And with my luck, my seat was right next to Shawn, and Cam. Great. Shawn was doing something on his phone and Cameron was listening to music. " Leah! " Shawn shouted excitedly. " What. " I asked, looking at him.

" I can prove I didn't kiss all them girls! " He said, making Cameron pull his headphones out to see what he meant. " Look, I used Cams laptop, sorry Cameron, but look, he edited it so it looked like I was kissing them, but it was actually Cameron! "

I watched the video. Shawn was right. " Cameron.. " I sighed, turning so I was looking at him. " I did it so you wouldn't be with Shawn. He isn't good for you and you know it! " He said, looking very sorry.

I shook my head and looked back at Shawn. My brother beat him up over something he didn't do, the guys all gave him a lecture for something he didn't do, I ignored him for something I didn't do. Fuck. " I'm sorry " I whispered. Instead of saying anything he lifted me on him and hugged me tightly. Aww

* Shawns POV *

I hugged her tight, Cameron was staring at us, he looked so upset. I almost felt bad for him. Almost. Although he did almost ruin my chances with Leah. Leah climbed over me and back onto her seat " It's okay Cameron. I get why you did it. Forget about it, let's just all be friends yeah? " Leah said to Cameron. He nodded and hugged her, earning a death glare from Matt.

* Cameron's POV *

I still needed to say sorry to Shawn. I messed up so bad, Nash looked at me as if to say have you said sorry, I nodded.

* Matt's POV *

I wish I could sit next to Leah again. I fucking adore her, I love her to bits. I need to tell her, like properly, with no interruptions. I'm going to take her on a date, when we get to LA. I'm going to make it perfect. I just hope Shawn doesn't get in the way. Again.

* Leahs POV *

The flight was very long so I eventually fell asleep, my head on Shawns lap and my legs going across of Cameron. I heard the flight attendant come down the aisle with drinks, so I sat up to order a drink, scaring the life out of the boys. " And what would you like to drink ma'am? " She kindly asked.

" Just an orange juice please " I said, grabbing my purse.

" I'll get that for you " Shawn said whilst handing the lady the money before I could protest. " Thank you sir, your very lucky to have a boyfriend like that " She said smiling at me, and handing me my drink.

" Oh no we're not da- " I stopped myself as she had already left. I blushed as I sensed Shawn staring at me. " Thank you for buying me a drink " I said sheepishly.

" No problem, girlfriend " he mocked. " Shut up Shawn " I joked, and rested my head on Cameron's shoulder. " We all know that Cam is my boyfriend " Both Shawn and Cameron laughed at this as they knew I was kidding. But I guess Matt didn't know that as he still sat from across the plane glaring at Cameron and Shawn.


Just a short chapter as I'm going out and won't be back till late 😫 I'll write a long chapter tomorrow. Hopefully.What do you guys think of this chapter?

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