Chapter 11

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* Leahs POV *

My head hurts. A lot. I can't remember anything from last night. Apart from the fact that Nash was kissing me,  then Shawn punching him. I must've fell asleep on the couch, along with all the other people Ryan invited around; Matt, Nash, Cam, Taylor, Shawn. I sat up to see if anyone was awake, I then seen Matt sit up minutes after me.

" Hey.. " he said in a sleepy voice. Aww. His hair was messy and his eyes were barely open. He looked cute. " Hey " I smiled at him. I then noticed that Nash was lying next to him, he was bruised and his face had lots of cuts and scratches. Matt stood up slowly and sat next to me. " He was drunk, he didn't mean it Leah, you know Nash wouldn't have done that if he was sober. He liked you Leah, we all do "

I looked up at him when he said that. " Shawn hates me, he always had " I don't know why but he chuckled at this. " Really Leah? " I nodded. He does hate me. He must hate me. He hurt me and I hurt him. He was a bad boy, he didn't like me. He probably took me on a date just to see how many girls he can get in the week. I shivered. I wonder how many girls he has brought home. No. Stop. I looked up at Matt, he was looking at Shawn, he looked a bit jealous. " are you okay Matt? "

* Matt's POV *

" Are you okay Matt? " she asked

Does she care about me? Does she like me? Ugh. I need to stop thinking about her. She likes Shawn. Right?

" Yeah " I replied, looking down at her. She really is beautiful. I heard Shawns phone buzz and Leah reached over to get it so it wouldn't wake him up.

* Leahs POV *

I reached over to grab Shawns phone, as it was buzzing. My eye caught a glimpse of the contact who messaged him. ' Babygirl 3 😏🤤 ' it said. 3?! HE FUCKING TAKES ME OUT ON A DATE AND HAS A GIRL SAVED AS BABYGIRL 3?! I decided to look how many contacts he has saved as that name. 7. He has 7 sluts who he lays. I felt a tear drip down the side of my face. " Leah? Are you ok? " Matt asked, concerned. I gave him the phone to look himself then rested my head on his chest. " what the fuck. SHAWWWN " he shouted, waking everyone up apart from Ryan

" what's going on " Taylor asked sleepily

" are you ok? " Cam asked

" what? " Shawn asked

" You take Leah out on a date and you have 7 girls YES 7 GIRLS NAMED babygirl 😏🤤?! WTF SHAWN! "

The was a mixture of gasps and " oh my gods " I started crying a bit more, and Cameron came and sat the other side of me putting his arm in front of me protectively. Clearly getting mad.

" Leah I didn't mean to- " Shawn started but was interrupted

"Save it Shawn " Ryan said. Shit.

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