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Jenny's POV.

This week passed sorta fast. Counting to friday made it much easier to just pass.

Right now I'm doing my homework. Yes I know it's friday and I have plans for today but if I do this now I'll have saturday and sunday free.

"Jenny! Come downstairs please." — I heard my mom yelling.

"Ughh." — I groaned as I head a level low to living room.

"What?" — I asked kinda annoyed.

"Someone for you." — She said and poited at the door that were a little opened.

I frowned and went to see who is it.


"Lola? Hi, why are you early?" — I asked confused.

"Early? Jenny it's exactly - She looked at her phone - 12 minutes after 6."

My eyes widened. I wasn't ready. I haven't changed my clothes. No makeup. No everything.

'Okay Jenny don't panic, don't panic.' I thought to myself.

"Uhmm I kinda got lost in time." — I said shyly.

"Again? Wow, and I thought I was the late person."

"Uhh sorry I was just doing my homework an-"

"You were doing your homework? At friday? You really are a n-"

"Don't call me a nerd!" — I snapped and pointed finger at her.

"Okay." — She replayed.

"Okay so just come inside and wait for me okay? I'll try to be quick but well eh." — I said as I moved so she could come inside.

Without any other word I ran to my room to get ready. I tried not to take much time so I just picked casual clothes. Not much makeup either because this takes lot of time.
I wonder how all of those girls have to get up earlier every morning so they could be on time in school? I mean for me putting only mascara takes almost 10 minutes.

I went downstairs.

"Okay, I'm ready." — I said and started putting my shoes.

"Great, you look pretty." — She kindly said.


I took my jeans jacket and we left house.

"You are without car again. Is it broken or something?" — I've asked.

"No it's working good. I didn't know you miss it so much." — She laughed.

"Well yes I do. Anyway it's okay we can walk."

"Well we don't have much better of choice other than your car."

"I prefer walk there though." — I said.



"So how is it going with James?" — I asked.

We were almost at the cinema theater. It's kinda far away. But we were walking to the good one.

"Oh well, it's okay..."

THE BEACH [jenny & lola]Where stories live. Discover now