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Jenny's POV

hi, look out the window
its sunny :)
7:12 AM

not sunny anymore :(
2:30 PM

Ugh. Lola has been sending me these kind of messages since yesterday. It's cute but also annoying. I said we need a break of our friendship and I also meant the virtual as well.

Me and Zac bumped on each other at school. He said the he wants to come to me after school to talk about what happened few days ago. I couldn't agree for that because my parents will be home at that time, but I suggested we could just walk around city. It was sunny but now its not but it still good outside. Thanks to Lola I don't need to look out window to know that.

He said he's going to pick up me around 4 pm. Its after already and I feel like he won't come. I really crave to talk to him, i hate having unfinished business.

As I scrolled thru some new on phone I heard knock on door.

I opened them and there he was standing with fries and cola.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late but I stopped by KFC and believe me queue was huge." — He said handing me half of what he bought.

"It's okay, Lets go." — I wore shoes and closed door.

"How have you been?" — He asked and took sip of his drink.

"Well uhm.. confused. I was trying to separate some things in my mind you know." — I said not being sure if he understand.

After this small talk we walk in silence just eating our food. Once we finished we entered the green valley. It's a place without noice, chemicals or any different district. People here do yoga and basically work out. Some are just enjoying time in peace tryin to relax

"I've broke contacts with Lola." — I said as we sat on bench in one of dark counters all covered by tress around us.

"About time. That girl is not good company for you."

"Hm maybe. Anyway let's not make it longer, I feel anxious about what's gonna happen next with us."

"Can I start?" — He asked.

"Sure." — I nooded.

"Okay. Firstly I'd like to apologize for my behavior when we last met. Honestly I was jealous because you were spending time with her. I had no right to pull you back from her when you wanted to stay there and for that I'm sorry."

He breathed out.

"I forgive you, I was kinda wrong too. I mean you're my boyfriend and I should spend time with you but sometimes I just really need to hang out with friends just like you do." — I said.

"Yeah I get that." — He smiled.

Gosh his smile.

"And look I know you're a busy girl and you're trying to do everything perfect now to have a lightful future which is totally opposite to me. I like having fun, going out and just living the moment. As well thinking of the future but not trying so hard. And then I understood. You are not in my type. We don't really like the same things besides that band and other stuff. We don't spend much time since you're always busy with school or babysitting or something. I understood you are not the one for me, which is we have to break up."

I just sat there analyzing everything he said. It's true. All of this is true. I'm a boring person I could never have a boyfriend like he. No one could ever love a girl like me.

"Jenny." — He snapped fingers in front of my face getting me out from my thoughts. — "You okay?"

"Uhh... Y-yeah I'm great." — I said fake smiling.

I was not okay.

"I hope someday you will find your only one girl." — I said.

"Yeah maybe."

"Also I don't want us to break in bad terms so maybe we could be friends after all and hang out from time to time huh?" — He said.


"I want us to still be friends."


He frowned. — "Why?"

"Well I thought that after this meeting we will go on our ways and never see each other. I mean yes we go to the same school but you know what mean."

"Oh come on Jenny. We had some pretty good moments together. I really enjoy your company, don't want to lose it."

"And so what, I could hurt even more? It would be painful being around you not the way I want it. No cuddles, hugging, kissing and cute talks. Being so close to you after this would be more painful then being apart." — I started crying at the end of this.

He was my first boyfriend. First date. First kiss. First person I've ever felt butterflies in my stomach.
This all is wasted now.

"Please don't cry. I don't like when you're crying especially when the cause is me."

"Just go already."

He stared at me for a while and then got up.

"I failed." — He said.

"What?" — I looked up for him.

"I wanted us to still be friends and I failed." — He answered. — "Bye Jen." — He whispered and waved hand.

I didn't even bother to say goodbye to him.

even tho that the sun is gone
clouds are cute too
but maybe if you smile
they will be gone and the
sun will on the sky again
5:47 PM

And I smiled.
A stupid message can make me smile. How pathetic I am.

I headed to home. I'm feelin worse right now than before. This week gonna suck.

THE BEACH [jenny & lola]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang