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Jenny's POV.

hey, it's friday
i wish you a good day
7:56 AM

Ah she's cute. Even though she's been sending me messages everyday I'm still feelin not well.
Same day Zac broke up with me I asked parents if I can stay home. Luckily they agreed but if they didn't I would stay home anyway.
I can be a bad girl sometimes too.

I've been leaving my room only when there is nobody home other than me. It was in between morning till around 5pm. Then I stay shut in my room only leaving for food or bathroom. Parents only know that I don't feel very well, they suggested to go to doctor but I refused and told them that it will pass.

Right now I'm in the living room switching channels on tv. Nothing really interesting now. To be honest I'm so bored here alone. But I want to be alone. And I don't feel like doing anything like literally.
And I heard knock on the door. It's probably postman or guy who always sells things.
I lazily slide from couch to open door.

"Hi." — She said smiling at me.

It was Lola, well didn't expect her here.

"Leave me alone." — I said and started closing door.

"No, no wait! I have food."

"What food?" — I opened the door whide open again.

"From Mcdonald. Nuggets, cheetsburgers, fries, chicken wings and tea, I think it's still warm in the car. Didn't bring it all here because of the weather and well it would fall anyway."

I sighed.

"Ugh fine. Come in."

"Okay I'll get the food first." — She said and went to her car.

"Place it all in the living room."


We sat on the couch eating what Lola bought. Well she didn't eat, she was just staring at me. I probably look like a pig now but I don't care.

"Why aren't you in school?" — I've asked.

"I could ask you the same question Jen." — She chuckled.

"I asked first."

"Fine." — She groaned. — "Yesterday, I wanted to pick you up from school. So I went to your classes and I didn't see you so I've asked this one girl where you are and she said that you haven't been in school for past few days. I figured out that something must have happened because you little nerd love school. So here I am. Now your turn. Tell me what happened and why are you here and not learning how to cut a frog huh."

"First of all, don't call me nerd. Secon-"

"Ah right, you prefer being called a princess." — She teasingly said.

I rolled eyes. — "Secondly, we don't cut frogs. Thirdly, I didn't go to school because I don't feel well and finally why would you even go to school to pick up me? I told you we shouldn't spend time together."

She sighed. — "Yes I know but I missed you and even though if you wouldn't agree I would still got to see you."

"Why would you even miss me? I'm a boring person." — I mumbled playing with my fingers.

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