"Dylan was very sweet as a child.  But after he turned into a teenager, his sweetness kinda went out the door with some of his smartness, because he lost his virginity to a twenty year-old!" the younger father snapped suddenly.

"Woah, there. Calm down. I thought you said you were over Maddy being older than him?" Harry asked in confusion, walking up to his husband.

Liam sighed and leaned against Harry, who pulled him into a comforting hug. "I know, Harry. I'm just - I don't really know how to fully accept the fact that our youngest son did such a thing  with her already."

"In fairness, we can't really scold him for that, since we  had sex before we got married too," the green-eyed man claimed.

"I bet it can thought as 'rape' to some people," Liam muttered, burying his face in Harry's chest.

"Excuse me?"

Pulling away from him then, Liam smiled innocently and gave Harry a peck on the lips before turning to their youngest child. Abby was just watching them with a smile and eating her yogurt as she swung her legs side to side, still sitting on the counter.

"Come on, Abby. Daddy's gonna take you to the park with the dogs," Liam stated with a smile.

"Yay! Park!" she exclaimed, almost jumping off the counter.

"Um, we're not done talking about this, Liam! How dare you think that us having sex for the first time was 'rape'! You wanted it just as bad as I did!" Harry argued, blocking Liam's way when he tried to leave the kitchen with Abby in his arms.

Their daughter whined and kicked her feet out at Harry, who gaped at her for trying to kick him. Liam chuckled and kissed her forehead. "We'll talk later, honey."

"She - she just tried to kick me out of the way," Harry whispered, eyeing their daughter.

"You are in the way," Liam reasoned, stepping aside from his husband and making his way up the stairs to get both him and Abby changed for the park.

Letting out a sigh, Harry shook his head and walked into the living room to join Ethan. "You might be right about Abby, bud. I think your Dad's just too blind to see that she can be a - a pain. No pun intended in that."

"I told you! She's so manipulative! She has Dad wrapped around her little finger. He won't even try to believe me when I say that she's evil," his son said exasperatedly.

"Now, I wouldn't say she's 'evil', exactly. But she does tendencies to do things she knows  she shouldn't be. Like kicking me out of the way," Harry muttered in frustration, leaning his head back against the couch. "How can Liam not see it?"

"He probably doesn't wanna believe that his youngest child is evil," the teen responded.

The curly-haired man sat up and turned to his son. "What exactly did she do to you that makes you think she's 'evil'?"

"She tried hitting me for not giving her another cookie today," Ethan replied. "She already had four, and she wanted another one so she could probably kill me with all the energy she'd have. Papa, I'm telling you, she's evil!"

"We'll see," Harry returned, trying to think of an idea to expose his youngest daughter's true 'behaviour' to Liam.


After Liam and Abby went to the park with the dogs, Claire and Dylan came home a little after. Harry eyed his teens as they sighed happily and sat on the couch with him and Ethan. Something's up,  he thought.

"What are you both smiling and sighing happily about?" he asked.

"Oh, me? Well, Tim and I went to check out this venue for our wedding, and it was absolutely perfect,  Papa! I mean, I could really see the two of us getting married there," Claire replied in a daze.

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