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Y/N p.o.v.

My shoulders shook vigorously as i wept in the back of the police car. I stared helplessly through the cars window.

At the night sky.

There was something so satisfying about staring at the night sky.

The sky turns darker and shows us beyond what our eyes can normally see in the day: unveiling it's truth you could say. Staring at the stars: I became conscious of the fact that this could be the last time I see the outside world in a long time.

My eyes blurred with tears with the saddening thought.

No i couldn't give in, I had to prove my innocence and clear my name, at any cost.

The police car drew to a halt at a traffic light. I drew my eyes away from the sky and looked at the road, they were empty and dimly lit.

The roads seemed to go on forever and started getting darker and darker but there was always one street lamp shedding some light, a dim lamp, but a lamp nonetheless.

Without those dim lamps there would be no light and a mirage of eternal darkness.
The lamps were like hope.
Coming in small doses but consistant enough to light up your journey.
The thought brought a sad smile to my face.

The cars door swung open and a male police officer grabbed me by the arm and roughly dragged me out the vehicle.

I glanced at the night sky again, making a silent prayer and stepped foot into the station.

The police officer directed me to get "booked in" taking my fingerprints and locking me up in custody.

The officer informed me that i'd be in custody for about 48 hours and i'd have a court hearing within that time.

I was directed into a cell and was informed of my rights to a lawyer and why i was being arrested.

I walked to the corner of the room and slid down the wall, sitting on the cold hard floor.

I stared at my now clean hands: I had to wash them before they took my fingerprints.

Numerous thoughts circled my mind. Why did it have to be me?
Who would want to stab Jimin?
and why?

Jimin had saved so many lives who on earth would want him dead.

The police officer called me to tell me to meet my lawyer. I looked at the officers name tag 'Jeon Jungkook', it read, his name seemed vaguely familiar but i couldn't put my finger on it.

And then it came to me all at once Jeon Jungkook was Jimin's childhood friend, they came from the same hometown before they moved to London.

Jimin became famous for his talents in medical engineering but he helped promote Jungkook's Film career when Jungkook worked as a director.

Jungkook was really talented i wonder why he gave up that job?

That would also provide an explanation to why he was so rough with me earlier.

Jungkook directed me to a small box room with a glass window inside.

That's probably where they'd be watching me, i assumed.

I sat down on the chair and waited patiently for my lawyer.

An incredibly handsome man stepped inside the room. I think i stopped breathing at that moment.

"Hello my name is Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin."

He said smoothly whilst elegantly carrying himself to his chair. He oozed coolness, i was in awe.

I realised i was still holding my breath and choked. Jin let out a small laugh that he couldn't hide.

This must happen to him a lot.

"I'm Y/N ," i responded after my choking fit.

"Y/N eh, and what have you got yourself in for," Jin said casually.

"I'm here for 'stabbing someone'," I said using my index and middle fingers to show the inverted commas.

"A stabbing you say, it couldn't be the stabbing of Park Jimin could it?" He asked curiously with a smirk growing on his face.
Was it jin who stabbed Jimin? Find out in the next chapter- okay i'm gonna stop. Thank you so much for reading this far. Love you all. mwah. xoxo
Kulsuma ;)

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