"I love you too, babe. There is one thing that I would like to promise you tonight. If my love, we ever get off this island then I will marry you. It's been three months now since we were marooned here- two we have been together as a couple- and I am absolutely sure and have been for some time now that you and I are meant for each other. So if we do ever get off of this dreadful place then I want you to be my bride and we will be married as soon as possible. I want you as my wife, Cait. Just say yes, my love, and we will be together forever. Whatever that means, wherever that means I want us as husband and wife," Barry asked, leading her away from the carcass to make things as romantic as he could even getting down on one knee. "I know I don't have a ring or much to offer you at the moment but when we do get out of here I will get you a ring and we can buy a house anywhere you want whether it's in New York or Madison, I don't care. As long as we are together nothing else matters," he took both her hands in his and kissed them with so much sincerity in his voice that it made her tear up, completely overcome with emotion.

The thing was she had expected this. Sure, she had hoped for something as romantic as this to be said by him but she never even imagined a marriage proposal. But how could she ever say no? For one, she didn't want to and second of all he was being so romantic and promising her the world. Everything that she had ever dreamt of was standing out there for her ready to take. All she had to do was reach out and grasp it.

"Oh Barry, yes. Yes, I will marry you. It's been two months but I live you with all my heart and who knows how long it will be until we get rescued. But I know that when we are I want to spend the rest of my life with you, there is no question of where my heart lies. I want to be your wife," she replied, kneeling in front of him and holding onto him tight. They kissed sweetly for a moment before he pulled away.

"You will? You don't think it's too soon? I know that it's only been two months and all but who knows when the rest of the world will finally come and get us. It could maybe even be years until we get rescued. I mean, we have to have a talk as to where we are going to live and what we will each di for money wherever we go but not right now. I just want to think about you and me together," he smiled uncontrollably, clutching her close to his chest.

"We should probably get dinner on first then we can do all that. I know I just said that we can't tonight but it is our engagement night. It would be wrong for us not to make love on the occasion. Properly this time. We still have seven left. Plus, it could be a good way of keeping warm during the storm tonight. As long as we get dinner done first and have all the precautions finished it in time. We can't do it if we are risking our lives. But I think tonight is special for us," She suggested a little naughtily, biting down on her lower lip coyly.

In the last two months, Barry and Caitlin had been incredibly careful when it came to their intimate relationship. They hadn't been fully intimate many times leaving the protection for special evenings and otherwise using other ways to be together most of the time. It was the only way to be sure that nothing bad would happen while they were here. It was the one thing that they couldn't risk while being together as a couple.

"Alright then, the sooner we get this pig ready for cooking the better. As you said, my dear, we can't afford to get caught in the storm. How about I prepare the dinner and you fill up the fire for cooking?" he agreed, kissing her forehead before heading back towards their pig.

Later the couple were sitting in their tent, eating dinner snuggled up together to keep warm. It was starting to get colder as the breeze was beginning to pick up and the rain would be starting any minute now. Though the fire was well stocked up with wood and neither of them had been caught in the rain so there was truly no danger tonight which for once was a total relief.

"So... Where do you think we should live? Madison or New York?" Barry asked, holding her hand as they finished their dinner.

"I mean, I have lived in Madison since medical school. But it was never somewhere where I have wanted to live forever. I was there more for the job and I could get a job as a doctor everywhere. I think I would like to live somewhere in the country away from all the liveliness of the city. I used to like it when I was younger but not so much anymore. I feel like if we are going to settle down and start a family and get married it needs to be in a house with good schools and places for them to play. Not in a big, busy city which can be dangerous for young children. I would be happy to move to New York to live with you if that's where you want to be. I know you put a lot into your job and you are really close to your family. I wouldn't want to take you away from all of that," Caitlin replied, squeezing his hand gently.

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