Chapter 2

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Dove's POV

I awaken due to being shaken by a person. Opening my eyes I come face to face with curly ginger hair otherwise known as my mum's hair.

"Dove wake up, we got an important visitor and your dad wants us all to be present." Oh yeah apparently Alpha Xavier is suppose to arrive today and we were supposed to be on our best behavior.

"Mum, I am not needed there since I'm not the luna or the future alpha." I say as I try to convince to leave so I could return back to my sleep but I doubt it since she becomes all serious and strict when it involves the pack.

"Stop arguing with me and come down straight away and under any circumstances make me come up here again." Well when she has thrown a threat in there, there's no way of backing out.

Before she leaves, she tells me to wear something nice and with that she leaves. As I drag my lazy body of the bed all I could think about were a pair of piercing brown eyes. I wonder who Luke really is as a person and if he is alright. I wish I could meet him again. Since I'm finished with getting ready I start to wonder why people are so afraid of Alpha Xavier. I know alphas can be cruel and appear emotionless but they can be sweet and caring.

Making my way downstairs I come face to face with a suit cladded gentleman, if you can call him that due to the glare that he was giving me.

"Alpha Adams, this is my daughter and the apple of my eye Dove. Dear, this is Alpha Xavier Adams and he is here to help us with our little problem." Dad introduces us while I stand next mum.

Naturally I offer my hand for a handshake but he just glared at it as if it had some contagious disease.

Ok that's rude

During all these introductions he didn't stand up once and just sat on dad's favourite chair with his ankle on top of his knee. I can tell he is way beyond rude just by his body language and I feel sorry for his future mate. But at least he's not ugly.

Alpha Adams is an Adonis with his sharp jawline and piercing hazel orbs. They are like tiny pools of molten caramel which isn’t fair since I love everything to do with caramel and they are just so captivating. I just hope my future mate has caramel eyes just like Alpha Adams.

“Alpha Adams why don’t we go to my office to start our meeting.” The sound of my father’s voice pulled me out of my forbidden daydream. Standing up he walks right by me. I unknowingly move away due to the powerful aura surrounding him. As if seeing my little stunt he winks at me and continues following my father. I stare at his retreating back confused as to what the wink meant. Now I know why most girls go crazy over him.

“Dove, honey, why don’t you help me with lunch.” Mum politely says and with last glance at the foreign alpha I follow my mum into the kitchen.


Xavier’s POV

Entering his office I am shocked by the sheer smallness of it. Other people may see it as huge but comparing it to my office back home it’s not even fit to be a room for an omega.

“Alpha why don’t you sit down and we can get this meeting started.” Markus tells me. A small smile appears when I detect his fear in his words. He has the right to be scared since I can end his life right now without even breaking a sweat but I’m not going to do that.

“Let’s cut to the chase here Markus you know I don’t offer my help without expecting something back in return right?” I queried in my normal cold voice. Usually I would demand land, warriors or whatever treasures they had. But in this case I want something more special. Packs need to be pretty desperate in order to ask help from a beast like me.

“Xavier, can I call Xavier?” With one dark sinister look from me the so called alpha closed his mouth.

“Sorry, Alpha but we know of your conditions and we’re prepared to give you what you want whether it is land or anything else.” He replies slowly. I smile my signature sinister smile knowing I’m going to turn his world upside down.

“Well in that case I want your daughter for myself.” I say with all the confidence in the world. My smirk stays on my face due to how Markus choked on water when he heard my demand.

“Why her? You can anything you want even half of my pack but not her.” As he talks I can tell he is controlling his anger since he knows if I snap the deal will be off and I will take over his pack as consequences of wasting my time.

"You know alphas are supposed to be smart in order to rule but you are clearly the opposite." I say casually like I'm just talking about the weather.

"Was that an insult Alpha Adams?" Markus asks. To say I'm surprised is an understatement is this guy really an alpha? If he can't even tell when he is being insulted how does he expect to be a good leader. No wonder rogues are freely roaming his pack due to his poor leadership skills.

"Think whatever you want but my condition still stands I want your daughter." I usually don't ask for pack members when I help a pack but Dove has got me intrigued and I want to know more.


"Well your precious daughter is my mate." Throughout our whole meeting Markus has never looked more shocked then he does now.

Mate. The one thing that can actually destroy any werewolf. Others see it as a blessing but I see it as a curse. I admit that at first i never wanted a mate but now after seeing her I'm curious of how things actually work out between a mated couple and if it is truly roses and hearts as most of them put it. Anyways if it doesn't work out I could just reject her and move on to another girl whether she is my mate or not.

"This changes things but I will give it a thought and get back to you." Finally Markus and I have reached an agreement through all that bickering. With one last goodbye I leave his tiny office with a smirk on my face knowing that I have put in between a rock and a hard place and that he will soon give into my demands.

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