three - kim taehyung ✔️✨

Mulai dari awal

"it's in that forest, the one where everyone makes up these weird ghost stories" jihyun said.

"come on, let's go"

we left the apartment building and head towards the forest.

after 20 minutes, we were infront of the forest.

"this is giving me the creeps man" jihyun frowned.

"agreed" i replied.

"let's link arms" namjoon said, standing in the middle and linking our arms.

"we look like preschool children" jihyun snorts.

we walk into the forest, keeping our eyes infront of us and also on the phone screen.

"we are.. here?" i said, it showed us that we were in the location of taehyung.

"i see a shed in the distance.." namjoon trails off, pointing at the shed.

"i'm scared" jihyun lips quivered.

"there could be the bodies of the missing people in our class in that shed!" she exclaimed quietly.

namjoon goes into deep thought before shaking his head.

"come on let's do this"

we slowly walk up to the shed, making sure no one was around.

the door was slightly ajar, i carefully slide my fingers into to open it more.

the sight was shocking but relieving.

it was taehyung, tied up but it was definitely him alright.

his eyes widen, mumbling and violently shaking around in the seat.

he couldn't speak as there was tape on his mouth.

"oh my god, taehyung" i said, undoing his ties and ripping off the tape.

"taehyung!" namjoon exclaimed.

without any conscious, i wrapped my arms around him tightly.

for someone i didn't know very well, my actions were surprising.

i was never close with taehyung, usually our only conversations were about notes or borrowing stationery.

but nonetheless, i was glad he was okay.

"my lip is bleeding" his husky voice spoke.

i had ripped off the tape too quickly, resulting in his lip starting to bleed.

"sorry" i give him a sheepish smile.

he smiles otherwise and hugged me back.

namjoon and jihyun stared in awe at the sight.

"this is such a cute sight" namjoon muttered.

he looks over at jihyun who was crying quietly.

"why are you crying?" he asked.

she shakes her head.

"i don't even know the dude that well but i'm just so happy to know he's okay"

"and also they look so cute together, how did i never see this coming?"

we dragged taehyung out of the shed and out of the forest.

we sit infront of a random seven eleven store as we bought him some food and a bottle of water.

"thanks" he mumbled, gulping a large amount of water.

we all stare at him like he was some kpop idol.

he stares back at us.

"spill the tea sister" jihyun said.

once a day | bts rm & v ✧・゚: *Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang