"This isn't fair." I breathed.

"Listen to your body, Anne." he leaned over to me and whispered. "You want me, right now." He pressed his lips on my neck and sucked on my sensitive skin gently. "You want me here," he kissed my neck. "here..." he placed a soft kiss on my lips, "and here." two long fingers pressed on the most sensitive spot of my body and I flinched, a quiet moan left my lips before I could stop it.

Oh my...

He moved away all of a sudden and I was left of a huge feeling of absence. What?

"But you want to talk so I'll keep my hands off of you." He raised his hands up in defeat and a smirk appeared on his lips.

"No!" I scowled, I needed him.

"Maybe you were right, we should talk more." he shrugged.

"No, Harry no!" I kept repeating myself.

"Okay." He licked his delicious lips. "What do you want me to do?"

"You know that." I flushed but my shame was nothing compared to my need for him.

"No, I don't." he teased. "Tell me Annemarie, what?"

"Touch me." I whispered so quietly I barely heard my own voice.

"You're such a pervert!" he mocked. "I want to have a conversation with you and-"

"Do you now?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Yes, I always do. Anyway. Touch you where baby?" Oh, I did this to myself, didn't I? I should've let him take me to bedroom and kiss all over my body. But maybe I could just join his little game - more like torture.

"You know what?" I said impassively and stood up. "I think I'll just go to work."

"No, you're not." and just like that, he threw me over his shoulder and made his way to his bedroom once again.

"Harry! Put me down!" I screamed but I was laughing so hard I could barely even breath.

"I told you, I would." he said and from his voice, I knew he was grinning. He put me down on his bed swiftly and in a beat, he was on top of me, both breathing heavily and smiling to each other. "Now, what do I do with you, Annemarie?"

"I thought you were gunna tie me up on bed?"

"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" He brushed his nose against mine and yes I had fantasies, but I would've liked it better if he was the one who was tied up. He smelled my hair and closed his eyes, I felt his muscles tighten around me. "You have no idea how much I've missed you." No words were enough to explain my feelings in that moment. I wrapped my arms tighter around him as he spread my legs with his and pushed his hips towards me. His erection caught me off guard and I gasped sharply. "Feel me baby, this is how much I've missed you." He whispered in my ear and my head was spinning. "This is what you do to me."

It was making me feel so powerful, knowing that he was as desperate as I was. I needed to get rid of both of our clothes, I needed to feel him skin to skin. "Undress me." I murmured.

"With pleasure." he pulled me up, so I was sitting on his lap. We both caught the hem of each other's shirts at the same time and I was the one who made the first move. There it was, his broad chest and beautiful tattoos, my hand wandered over his soft skin. "Raise your arms." he demand and I did as he took off my shirt, my bra followed soon.

His eyes darted to my breasts and he bit down on his bottom lip. "You're so beautiful." he breathed against my skin and leaned down, took my nipple in his mouth and I was gone. I was nothing but sensetion in his arms, he wrapped one arm around my waist to keep me steady and his other hand was teasing my free nipple. More... I wanted more, I needed more.

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