Day Nine: Letter to Someone You Wish You Could Meet

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Huh. Who do I want to meet? like, do they mean famous people? Or... I would say Jill, but she already has two letters and I don't know what else to say to her o.O So... Um... Famous? There are so many people, and hell, I want to BE famous someday. Lol :) But here goes, I'll go with someone famous :)

Dear Taylor Swift,

Well I guess I would like to say that you are my idol. You've made a career out of things you've wrote in your diary, which kind of amazes me. You are an inspiration to me and many many other girls all around the world. Plus, you're probably one of the sweetest people alive. 

I guess that's all I want to say, and I love you and your music! So yuppers, that's it :)

Your fan, 

Lydia :)

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