Day Seven: Letter to you Ex

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Welp, again with the whole sharing my feelings -_- Sigh... Well, here goes nothing. 

Dear Ex,

 <-- how do you even say that? Like 'Dear ex'? Like, doesn't that sound weird to you? Maybe it's just me...

ANYWAYS, Ex, right. Alex. Hey. How's it going? Haven't talked to you in a while. How's life? I heard that Devon now refuses to talk to Megan. Weird right? You? I've pretty much stopped talking to you... You're a boring texter -_- no offense. But really. I get bored easily and you're just like... 'ya'. LIKE SERIOUSLY?? Blahh.... 

I don't know what to say to you honestly... I mean, I broke up with you, so it's not like I'm going to write about being mad at you or hating you or something. But this is weird, why am I writing a letter to you? Eh, whatever, I can't think right now, and I have to get up early tomorrow, so I'm just going to leave you now. BYE BYE.

That one chick,


P.S. Why do guys never remember my name? IT'S MESSED UP!!! Just sayin'. 

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