Day Five: Letter to your Dreams

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Well oops! Forgot to get this updated! It's not too long after it was supposed to but here we are.

Dear Dreams,

Ya know, I'm not exactly sure if they mean dreams like you have at night, or dreams like goals in. life. I'm guessing the goals, because my dreams are really weird... Once, a giant ginger bread man ate my parents. It was sad... Another time, I could fly. Once, maybe twice, I was in a mansion at a party, it caught in. fire and a man made or of fire dragged me down the stairs. Many times I've gone back to school. Which sucks epicly. Yeah, I have some pretty weird dreams.

Anyways, to my dreams/goals: I wish you would just come true. I want to believe that dreams do come true, but I've always thought that once I think of something, it never comes true. So I'll just let my life play out how it should. Whatever happens, happens. But please do come true! Pleeeeaaaase!!!


Lydia :)

P.S. You should really become more clear, dreams, cuz I have no plan for life, and it'd be nice if I did. thanks :)

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