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Alright, So I've been seeing this thing going around Wattpad, and I decided to try it out :) You have to write a letter to a different person each day, for thirty days. Aaaannnd Below vvv is the list of which you have to follow for your letters. So here goes :)

The 30 day letter challenge:

Day One: Letter to your Best Friend

Day Two: Letter to your Crush

Day Three: Letter to your Parents

Day Four: Letter to your Siblings

Day Five: Letter to your Dreams

Day Six: Letter to a Stranger

Day Seven: Letter to your Ex

Day Eight: Letter to your Closet Internet Friend

Day Nine: Letter to Someone You Wish You Could Meet

Day Ten: Letter to Someone You Don't Talk to as Much as You Want To

Day Eleven: Letter to a Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk To

Day Twelve: Letter to the person you Hate the Most/Caused you a lot of Pain

Day Thirteen: Letter to someone you Wish Could Forgive You

Day Fourteen: Letter to Someone You've Drifted Away From

Day Fifteen: Letter to the Person you Miss the Most

Day Sixteen: Letter to Someone who's not in your State/Country

Day Seventeen: Letter to Someone From Your Childhood

Day Eighteen: Letter to the Person You Wish You Could Be

Day Nineteen: Letter to Someone who Pesters Your Mind - Good or Bad

Day Twenty: Letter to Someone who Broke Your Heart the Hardest

Day Twenty-One: Letter to Someone You Judged on Their First Impression

Day Twenty-Two: Letter to Someone You Want to Give a Second Chance To

Day Twenty-Three: Letter to the Last Person You Kissed

Day Twenty-Four: Letter to the Person that Gave You Your Favorite Memory

Day Twenty-Five: Letter to the Person You know is going through the Worst of Times

Day Twenty-Six: Letter to the Last Person You Made a Pinky Promise With

Day Twenty-Seven: Letter to the Friendliest Person You Knew Only for One Day

Day Twenty-Eight: Letter to Someone that Changed Your Life 

Day Twenty-Nine: Letter to the Person You want to Tell Everything to, but are Afraid to

Day Thirty: Letter to Your Reflection in the Mirror

30 Day Letter ChallengeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin