Day Four: Letter to your Siblings

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Alrighty then, here is the letter to my younger brother, Calvin, who is 10 years old, and also my older sister, Madeline, who is 17. So yeah. Hope you enjoy hearing about my life :P

Dear Siblings, 

Alright, I guess I'll start  with Calvin. I'm sorry for getting so mad and annoyed at you most of the time. I feel bad that you have no one to pick on when you're upset, because you're the youngest. Hey, I guess I get it from Madeline always picking on me :P I think I'm getting better at it, I hope I am, sorry for ever hurting you. Also, I'm sorry for never wanting to play the same games you do, guess it would stink being the only boy child. Love ya Cal, hope you're having fun at camp :)

Madeline, I woud first off like to say that you are an amazing role model. Half the time I wish I was you, you're amazing at everything you do and everyone I know thinks you are just naturally gorgeous. Erich Erdman called me once, and then asked who I was (yeah, I don't know why either), when I told him, know what he said? "Your sister's hot." Yup. See? lol, but seriously, you are amazing, and I know you'll probably never read this (and maybe I'm grateful for that) but I just want you to know that I look up to you, and I'm going to miss you when you go to college. Another thing, sorry for like, attacking you when I was little, but you wouldn't actually have those scars if you didn't pick at the scabs - just sayin'. :)  Sorry for that :P 

Alright, well, I think that's it? Maybe? There's probably a lot more to say, but this is gonna be all I've got for now! :D

Your sister, 


P.S. Sorry for throwing that stool at you when we were little, but you had it coming.  :) :P

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