Chapter 13: Oogie Isn't Done Yet

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Jack made it back to his house, still trying to process that Y/N was gone. Everything that has happened since he met her was truly amazing. He wished with all his heart that Y/N was back, but felt it couldn't happen. He opened the door to see Oogie in his living room.

"Oogie? What are you doing here?" Jack demanded with surprise then diminished into anger.

"Why, Jack. I'm here to take care of some unfinished business," Oogie answered.

Jack slammed the door behind him as he growled and said, "You already took away the love of my life! You've taken care of everything!"

"But you see, I haven't. You're still around. And that is a problem," Oogie smirked.

He then started to attack Jack, but Jack dodged it. He ran for upstairs with Oogie right behind him. Once in the lab, Jack had armed himself and waited. He opened his window and stood on the window sill. Zero was in his bed, looking at Jack confused.

"Zero, on my signal, you follow. Okay?" Jack told him.

Zero barked once in response with a nod.

Seconds later, Oogie came up with knives at the ready. He spotted Jack as a smirk formed on his face.

"Oh dear. Jack is going to fight me. I'm so scared," Oogie feigned his worry, laughed darkly, then said, "This is going to be as easy as killing Y/N."

Jack became angrier and was about to strike when Zero started attacking Oogie. When Zero bit him, Oogie screamed in pain, making him smack him off, but that didn't stop Zero. As they kept going, Jack looked down to see that since he was on the top floor of his house, he had to make this quick. He waited until Oogie was down and Zero was near him to give him the signal.

"Zero, now!" Jack yelled.

Then both skeleton and ghost dog jumped out the window, slid down the roof, and made it to the ground safely.

"Come on, Zero. We need to lure Oogie Boogie away," Jack ushered.

He ran to the gates to be greeted by Sally and Ryan in a hurry.

"Jack!" they yelled as they opened the gates.

"Sally! Ryan!" Jack shouted with joy then told then once out, "Oogie is free. He is trying to kill me since killing Y/N wasn't enough. We need a plan."

"We have one. Lure Oogie back to his lair," Ryan explained.

"What?" Jack asked.

"Just trust us," Sally assured.

Jack thought about it then nodded. So they ran ahead while Jack and Zero waited for Oogie to get out of the house.


A/N What plan do Ryan and Sally have in mind?

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