{ thirteen }

261 5 7


8:07 am


"babyyy.. why do you have me up so earllyyy" I whined.

"I'm sorryyy" he replied.

i sat up and rubbed my eyes.

he smirked at me.

"i have to shower" he said.

i looked at him.

"can i join you" i said rubbing my finger on his arm.

he smiled and nodded.

i got up.

we went into the bathroom.

the steam of the warm water spread out to the mirror.

i dried off with my towel.

"shit. i dont have any clothes, and I'm not hopping over"

"you can wear my shirt and shorts for now?" He suggested.

i smiled.

i guess it was something on my bucket list.

to wear my 'boyfriends' oversized t-shirt.

he handed me a mac demarco shirt.

it was SUPER big on me.

"babbyyy where did you get this shirttt" i asked.

"i cant remember.. online i think"

"I WANT IT" i yelled.

he laughed.

"you can have it" he said with a chuckle.

"THANK YOUUU" i hugged him.

he gave me a quick kiss before i climbed back over into my room.

i texted lilia.

she was on her way over.

"what do you wanna do?" lilia asked.

"let's walk to the store or something?" i suggested.

we did end up walking tot the store.

we got a bunch of chips and stuff from the bakery and some drinks.

"oh shit! we should go across the street to target real quick" lilia said.

i laughed at her.

our arms were full.

we bought our stuff, and went across the street to target.

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