The Party Is About To Begin

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     The red-eyed male smiled as he sat down on the bed, beginning to pet and be all sweet to the young feline. "Um..." You said through the hand that had been placed over your mouth. You were trying to keep yourself from laughing, but it was hard. Sebastian looked up and realized ho you were. He then glanced at the cat before slowly picking it up from his lap and setting it down on the bed. He then moved to stand, bowing respectfully. "I do apologize for my sudden outburst... The species of feline are just so lovely i couldn't resist.." He explained.

     You take in a deep breath to regain your composure and shake your head, "it's okay, really. I just didn't expect someone like you to react in such a way." You state. Sebastian nodded as he straightened. He then noticed how you had gotten grass stains and mud on your dress, your hands also seemed a little scratched up. "Would you mind me tending to your needs of cleaning up? I don't what the Queen would think if you go to a public party in such a state." He stated.

     You look down at your dress, seeing how he was right. You looked around a little, not exactly knowing what to say. You would honestly prefer Mey-Rin to be doing this, but you assumed she as busy. "Uhm... Yes, Please..." You answer after a few awkward moments of silence. The red-eyed male nodded and moved to escort you towards your own room, seeing how this wasn't it.... After taking the kitten in his arms of course.

     Your three-inch heels clicked at the ground with each light step you took. You glance over at the raven haired male from over your shoulder and smile a bit, he was still being sweet to that kitten. 'What a surprise....' You think. Sebastian was talking about the small feline's toe beads and how soft it's fur was in such a dramatic and, kind of... overdone way. You simply shake your head as you approach your chambers and step inside.

     You glance back at the red eyed male and smirk a little, shutting the door behind you... Only to hear a loud 'oof' followed by a thud from the other side of it. You put a hand over your mouth to keep yourself from laughing. A small huff came from the red-eyed male out in the hall as he opened the door. "Was that exactly necessary... M'lady?" Sebastian asked. You just innocently smile after regaining your composure. "Was what necessary?" He just shook his head as he went over to grab a few things. You walked over to the large bed and sat down on it, wanting to rub your eyes so bad but you didn't want to mess up your makeup.

     You raise your hands above your head to stretch, just as the male walked up and took a hold of your hands. He took one of the damp rags he had and wrapped it around your left hand, putting a little pressure to let the peroxide get rid of all the dirt within the scraps of your palm. He then did the same for your other hand. You watched him with a raised brow, "Uhm... I could have just washed my hands..." You say. He went to say something, but cut himself off. You only grew more curious of his motives at this, but didn't say a thing.

     The male soon finished cleaning the small scrapes on your hands and stood up. He glanced at the cat he had put down a few minutes prior, who was sleeping soundly on a pillow of the bed. He smiled a little, it was so peaceful. He straightened a bit as he looked at the time, then back at you. "You have a little over an hour until the party. Would you like to stay in the current dress you are in now, or change?"

     A few moments pass as you try to decide. 'Well... Staying in the current dress would save time, but stains may be left.' You think, beginning to nibble on your bottom lip. Sebastian didn't really seem to mind that you were taking your time, he does have to deal with Ciel after all... After a bit more debating, you make your decision. "I would like to change please..." You state.

     The red eyed of the butler land on you, a small nod soon coming from him. "AS you wish, My lady." He said as he leads you to the walk in closet. "Would you like me to help you once you pick out your chosen dress?" He then asked. You glance back at him and simply shake your head. "No thank you, I can do it myself." You simply say before shutting the door. Sebastian nodded and took a small step back...

Lost love (Ciel Phantomhive x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant