One Word: Uh-Oh...

Start from the beginning

"How are you? You seem to be doing fine since the last time we met." The blonde gardener then said. The woman he was talking to just shrugged, "Eh... Nothing crazy has really happened."


A bead of sweat then went down the side of the male's face. He just remembered that Baldroy needed help with something. A series of curse words began to play in his mind like a song on repeat, though it wasn't much of a soft melody... "Are you alright?" Y/N asked. Finny blinked a few times before perking up. "Oh! Yea, Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" He asked, chuckling nervously. His lying skills weren't the best, but eh... He gulped a little as he noticed the look on her face. He could clearly tell that she knew something was up.

He then gulped a little and shifted his feet. "Well I..." He trailed off, waiting a few moments before continuing: I gotta go..." He then pretty much booked down the hall. He left so quickly that he didn't get much of a reaction from the guest of the Queen... He just barely noticed how he had left his hat behind.

Loud clunks and thuds echoed through the usually quiet and empty halls of the castle, but the boots on Finnian's feet didn't allow silence. By the time he got to the kitchen he was out of breath. He stopped in the doorway after swinging the door of the kitchen open. "I'm... Here!" He said, his gaze on the ground though. He had bent over, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. He slowly stood up straight and paled at the sight of the room. The kitchen looked like a war zone... Everything was burnt and food was everywhere. "What... H-"
"Why didn't you show up earlier!?" The 37-year-old yelled. Finny looked over and let out a small nervous chuckle. "I... Uhm... well..." The cook himself was covered in the burnt remains of some... sort of meal. "Erg... I don't want your excuse..." Baldroy grumbled. Finny gulped as he looked down. "I'm sorry..." he said softly. The older male then shook his head, letting out a sigh. "It's fine..." He muttered.

The green eyes of Finny then scanned the room of destruction.
"Where are the other servants?" He asked. "They had to do somethin' else, most likely having to do with the party..." Baldroy exclaimed, taking out a cigarette. Finnian slowly nodded. Really feeling bad for being late. "Does that mean the party is going to be called off?"
"Doubt it..."

A frown stayed planted on Finnian's lips as he grabbed a rag. "Might as well clean up the mess before The Queen, Sebastian, or Ciel find out." He said, smiling softly, trying to lighten up the mood just a little. But it quickly faded as he lowered his hands to his sides, Baldroy had paled to an insane amount. It looked as if he had seen a ghost or a de--, "The master wishes to see you, Finnian..." The low, spine chilling voice of the Earl of Phantomhive's butler spoke.

The blonde slowly turned to look at the tall male. He instantly stiffened a bit. "Is something wrong?" Sebastian then asked. Finny quickly shook his head as he went to exit the room. "No... not at all!" He said. The Raven haired male watched him for a few moments, "Alright..." He then moved to follow and escort him to Ciel's Chambers.

When they arrived, Finny let out a deep breath. Why was he so nervous? Sebastian then opened the door and let the gardener enter first. The teenage human glanced at the demon as he moved to enter... Did the master find out?

Finnian looked around a little as Ciel stood by the large window in the back of the room. "Close the door, Sebastian." The bluenette said, kind of bluntly, but the butler obeyed. Another deep breath then left the blonde's lifts as his nervousness became more visible. He started shivering, shaking even.

"I believe you left muddy footprints in the halls if the castle." Ciel then spoke up. Finny cursed himself out in his head as he looked down. "I... uhm..." he trailed off. "Yes... I did.." He stated. Ciel slowly nodded as he glanced at the blonde from over his shoulder. "I see..." he said, turning to face him. "As a punishment... I would like you to clean up the footprints you left behind, and the kitchen." The shorter male explained.

A small sigh left the lips of the teenager's lips. "Yes..." He said quietly, bowing respectfully. He then turned and went to leave. "ONE... more thing..." he said, looking up. He then waved a hand at Sebastian, making a motion of telling him to leave the room. The male nodded at this and went to wait outside the room. Finny gulped a little at this as he came to a halt. He then turned to face his master with a slight look of fear. The Earl of Phantomhive then moved to walk up to him, standing a good distance away though. "You also happened to get a bit of mud on a specific woman after she finished getting dressed for the ball..." He said, his voice colder than normal. A harsh chill went down his spine as he listened to him. "I... er."

"I don't want you talking to her, or even getting near her anymore. And so dear help me if you disrespect her again in anyway... you won't like the consequences.." he said, holding a slight glare. Finny's face held utter fear at how such a short person could be so intimidating. "Y-yes... m'lord..." He managed to get out...

Ciel slowly nodded as he took a step back. "You are dismissed.." he said, walking back over to the window and looking outside. Finny quickly made his way out of the room, swallowing a huge glob of saliva that had formed in his mouth. He then froze for a few seconds. "How did he...?" He muttered. He thought for a few seconds before feeling as if he was being watched. He glanced over his shoulder at Sebastian, only to meet his cold gaze.

The poor cinnamon roll yelped a bit before picking up his speed and grabbing a few things to clean up the mud on the floor. He then looked at his clothes, "Might be best to change..." he muttered to himself.


Okay... So Wattpad was being dumb and added a chapter, that being this one. It says I published a new chapter, this one; But no. It's the next one... The Party Is About to Begin... So you kinda just got notified for the wrong thing... Sowwy!

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