Chapter 35

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        "Let go!" I angrily yell into the rushing air, kicking my feet at the hulking torso of a flying robot. Of course, I am completely ignored. My weakened state leaves no damage against the thick, metal exterior of the mechanical monster, rendering me practically harmless as of now.

        Flying parallel to the robot is another one, identical in build and color. In its arms lies the unconscious boy I am fighting to get to. Even from this distance, I can see a large welt swelling on the side of his head. I inwardly curse at the blue and silver robot that is leading the way to "the laboratory of Ivo Robotnik." It had been the one to hurt (Cousin).

        If he doesn't wake up, I swear, I will break you into a thousand parts and send them all to the recycling center. I want to say that, but I know it will make no difference. Instead, I take a deep breath to calm myself, questioning in a raised voice, "Why are you doing this? We didn't do anything to you."

        The robotic Sonic keeps flying, my question going unanswered.

        As time passes, I notice the temperature dropping. Snow begins to cover the land below, first starting as frosted ground and expanding into a soft white blanket. We must be going north, I conclude with chattering teeth. My (length) (color) hair is becoming covered in frost particles and my fingers are taking on a light grayish color. Looking over at my cousin, I see he is still asleep, oblivious to the changing elements.

        The robots fly us over an ocean. At land's shore the water is rough and choppy, but the longer we travel the more ice chunks there are bobbing with the waves until eventually, even the ocean has frozen into its own partially-solid land. We must be going to Holoska. I've never been there before, but from Geography class I know it is located near the top of the world; a part of the Arctic Circle.

        White now stretches everywhere the eye can see. There's no way to tell if we have made it to land or if we are still over the frozen ocean. A bland, factory-like building is spewing steam into the air—lonely, as the land is devoid of any other structure. This must be Dr. Eggman's base.

        I brace myself as the altitude drops and the building grows closer and closer. One of the factory's chimneys stops blowing steam, and that is exactly where the robots fly to. The mechanical hedgehog goes first down the chimney, with the two larger robots following. Inside, it is hot from the air that had previously been gushing through, warming my numb body and reminding me I am still living.

        After reaching the bottom of the chimney and exiting a stuffed, steam-filled room, my cousin and I are brought to a spacious laboratory. There is a transparent chamber in the very center, and we are unceremoniously thrown into it.

        The moment I hit the ground I fall onto my side, violently shaking from the cold and holding my thawing fingers against my chest. I barely register the sound of the chamber door closing, more focused on the scent of (Cousin), who had been tossed in beside me. Finally, I am able to get to him. My body aches as I force myself to my knees and crawl over to the boy. He is still unconscious, and I worry if he has had some damage to his brain. Silently, I beg for this not to be true as I cradle his head in my arms.

        Outside the glass-like barrier, slow, heavy footsteps make their way into the lab. I keep my head down as they stop a short distance away. "Well, if it isn't the pesky (animal) brat!" (Eye color) eyes widening, I look up and see a familiar mustached man with his hands pressed up against the glass. He chuckles, "Thought that would catch your attention. Indeed, I know you and your brother—cousin, whoever he is—can change into wild beasts! Metal Sonic had sent visual feedback while you two were fighting my robots, and I must say it is most extraordinary! And, given the strong energy pulse coming off one of you, very convenient. For me, that is."

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