Chapter 29

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        My eyes automatically open. Sitting up in bed, I peer around the dark room and wonder why I had woken up. There was no nightmare, that's for sure. I would definitely remember seeing that creepy (animal) spirit that seems to be following me wherever I go. So, why am I still feeling uneasy? It's almost as if somebody else is awake...and unhappy. Very unhappy. 

        I crawl out from under the covers and place my bare feet on the cold stone of the castle flooring, shivering slightly in my new (favorite color) pajamas. Before Sonic and the others had returned from chasing after Dr. Eggman, Amy had suggested that the two of us wander around Soleanna to search for clean clothing. Anything other than my tattered party dress. I was a little saddened to see it go, but hey, I'm not one to hold onto material items.

        Wiping at the crust lining my eyes, I slowly walk toward the door and slip through it into the corridor. There is no reason to try and go back to sleep, not when I am sensing these strong, almost overpowering emotions coming from within the palace. Since when did I have such acute senses? I've never been able to feel emotions like this before, especially not from someone other than myself. Either that or I'm going crazy. I sort of hope it's the last one. The first option sounds even crazier.

        Silently, I wander the unlit corridors, heartbeat steadily increasing in pace as I notice the shadows in my vision start to ripple, stretch, and shrink. They move, but whenever my sight directly lands on them, they are gone. I don't want to turn on the lights, though. I'd rather nobody know I'm sneaking around at this time, unable to get back to sleep. A particularly tall shadow appears as if it is reaching for me—

        With a cringe, I quicken my stride and leave it far behind. Now it seems I have returned back to the guest section of the palace, where my friends (and those not so friendly) lay asleep in their own comfy beds. I almost envy them for their ability to stay sleeping during the night. That is, until I hear mumbles escaping the cracks of a nearby door. Dim light peeks out, made easily visible by the surrounding darkness of the hallway. The voice sounds upset. Am I feeling this person's emotions? Whoever it is, they don't sound to be in a good mood. 

        Deciding to find out who else is awake at this time, I tiptoe to the closed door and press my ear against it. From far off I couldn't put words to the voice, but now, with my advanced hearing, I can make out word-for-word the agitated rambling of a young male.

        "I don't know how you cannot believe me! It's the same girl! There's no other way—"

        "You've seen her, Silver. This girl is different. She doesn't look nor sound the same as the one from our time."

        This must be Silver and Blaze, our new "teammates" from the future. What girl are they talking about? I have a feeling that it might be me.

        "Anyone can change their appearance! And who knows, something might have happened to cause her to be like...that. It—It's possible, Blaze!" the boy pushes, desperation crawling into his tone. His friend must not believe him. She probably wants to wait and see what happens before forming an opinion. The bed creaks on the other side of the door, and Silver sighs. "Didn't you see her eyes? They say the eyes never change; that they tell everything about a person. Did you—?"

        "Silver." Blaze's stern voice cuts through the air, making even me cringe for the hedgehog being spoken to. "You are being prejudiced against this young girl who has been helping Sonic to find the Chaos Emeralds. Can't you see that what you're saying is unjust? You need to stop thinking about her. Focus on the task at hand. No matter what happens, we can't let either Absence or Mephiles roam free. You saw what happened to all those people."

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