Chapter 30

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        I can't concentrate. I know we're supposed to be focusing on the emerald ahead, but my mind is wandering to other sensations—greatly similar to that coming from the purple Chaos Emerald hidden within the black and red hedgehog's quills. Something is calling me, I know it. I wonder, Maybe Silver was right. Do we really need all of us to go after these two emeralds when there are still so many left to be found? Sonic, Shadow, and Knuckles seem like they can take care of themselves. They surely don't need me to tag along for the impending fight against Dr. Fatso. We are trying to save the world, after all. It shouldn't be too big a deal if I head off in my own direction. I trust them to return with the emeralds and themselves intact.

        Abruptly, I swerve away from the group and hear a panicked call from Sonic. "H-Hey! Where're you going?" The other anthros take notice, however, they make no move to stop me as they continue at the same pace and in the same direction as before. Sonic starts to lag behind, keeping his eyes on my form as I travel east.

        "Leave her. We can't be sidetracked," Shadow commands with growing agitation. His teeth are grit. I've tested the waters too many times with him, and now he must be at the brink of his tolerance.

        The blue hero whips his head worriedly between the Ultimate Lifeform and echidna. Then, once again, he gazes into the thick forest where I had left to. Chest swelling, heart rate slowing, he gulps back the worry and catches his friend's attention with the determined glint of an emerald eye. "Knuckles. You and Shadow get those emeralds back safely. I'm not letting (Name) go by herself."

        Sonic follows after me.

        We run east, through the mountains and around plateaus, all the while avoiding the dangerous cliffs that would certainly spell our deaths. The air gradually grows thick and heated, causing my (animal) pelt to feel sticky and uncomfortable. I ignore these feelings. Behind me, Sonic stays silent, matching my pace step-for-step without being a bother. He can tell I am concentrated by my perked ears and never-wavering stare. He accepts being a tagalong at this moment, as long as the destination has significance to the mission.

        I begin to pant after a couple hours of travel. The humidity is soaking into my skin, heat and liquid unable to be released. But it doesn't matter. The signal I have been following—whatever it may be—feels close. It is when we arrive at the edge of a village do I stop for a short break.

        "Chun-nan?" Sonic asks while looking down at me in curiosity. "Is there something important in the village that you know about?"

        Panting heavily, I tell him, "I think a Chaos Emerald might be here. I'm not super sure, I just have a feeling." 

        He just watches me with a dubious expression, not saying anything since it wouldn't matter anyway. If we are here, we may as well search the area for anything of use.

        When I've caught my breath, I shift into human form and politely beckon the little rodent to follow. We make our way into Chun-nan, shivering slightly from the strong breeze that blows down from the cascading waterfalls of a nearby mountain. It's very beautiful, despite the clouds covering the sun and causing the village to be shrouded in a grey tint. I'd enjoy the view much more if it wasn't extra cold from the autumn season.

        The people we pass by look at us funny. Or are they just looking at me? I swear the pupils peeking from everyone's squinted eyes are following my every move and continuing to watch me when they are left far behind in the streets. Do I look different or something? I contemplate asking Sonic if there is anything on my face, but I push the thought away. The emerald, or whatever item that is emitting this energy I'm feeling, is far more important than a few strange stares.

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