Chapter 22

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        So far this trip has been pretty fun. All day Sonic, Tails, and I have been playing the infinite amount of games on both the front and back decks. During a game of shuffleboard, I was surprised to find that I'm quite a pro at it. Aiming must be another one of my strong points, I guess. It makes sense seeing I have exceptionally keen eyesight. Also while exploring this cruise ship, the anthros and I had discovered a nightclub for those of 21 years and older. I've never been much for parties, but right now I'm in an adventurous mood, so maybe I'll check it out. Of course, I'll need to find a way to sneak in.

        Outfitted In a sparkly (favorite color) dress and cute doll shoes, I slink along the walls, waiting around a corner from the entrance to the club. A bouncer is perched in front of the double doors, checking the IDs of anyone who wishes to enter. I don't have an ID with me, and I definitely don't look old enough to even see what's going on in there. At some point, though, the bouncer has got to bounce. I need a distraction, some way to divert his attention for only a few moments while I sneak in.

        I'm going to get in so much trouble for this, I think to myself. Earlier in the day, when we had first discovered the club area, I had told Sonic and Tails that I wanted to check it out. Being heroes, they definitely discouraged it, but I was feeling rebellious at the time. And I'm pretty sure I saw Shadow heading down this way. He probably couldn't wait to get drunk after being forced to stay on this cruise ship with us so-called "brats." Anyway, this trip is like, a once-in-a-lifetime occasion. No way am I going to waste it by following the rules and sticking to domestic games such as shuffleboard—not that it's bad...I actually enjoyed it a bit.

        The voices of two men deep in conversation drift to my awaiting ears. Peeking around the corner I see the club bouncer and another man with their backs to me, heads tilted down as if looking at a phone. Now's my chance. On tiptoes I creep behind the men and open one of the double doors a crack, slipping my body into the sudden darkness.

        Right away my (eye color) eyes snap wide open, taking in the crazy scene of the party. Colorful disco balls are scattered across the ceiling, giving light to even the dimmest of places, showering the club in various shades of red, pink, and purple. Off to each side of the large room is a bar, visible by the hazy orange light bulbs dangling from the overhangs. At one of these sits a lonesome black and red hedgehog, a glass in his hand. Hopefully he doesn't notice I'm in here, since he knows that I'm not 21. Or maybe he won't even care and will just look the other way?

        The drums of my ears thump to the blaring electronica music, making me slightly off-balance for a few moments as I adjust to this new volume level. On any normal day I'd be covering my ears and sprinting away from the noise for the dear life of my hearing, but today is not one of those days. As I grow accustomed to the musical shrieks and heavy bass, I become more and more excited.

        Holy shit, this is so awesome...I'm inside of an adult club! A little tap-dance springs to my feet as I congratulate myself for such an achievement. I then head for the swarming crowd of dancers gathered within the center of the room who are jumping up and down to the beat of the music. Pushing my way inside, I can't help but stare at the many people breakdancing or making up their own strange moves. Many clubbers are circled around somebody that I can't see. But I want to see! Bouncing to the music, I step up behind those nearest to whoever everyone is staring at, and I peer between the gaps of their arms.

        ...I wish I hadn't.

        Dr. Eggman has made himself the life of the party; flashy white jumpsuit with flared pants, sharp black shoes, and slick shades to match. It sort of looks like an Elvis costume, actually it really looks like an Elvis costume. And to add to the costume, those dance moves are somewhat familiar as well.

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