Aftercare & Aspirin

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Evan's PoV

I sat up quickly, finding myself regretting it. I got drunk last night-and this definitely isn't my bedroom. Oh my god! Did I sleep with someone? I threw the covers off my body to reveal my clothes still on, along with an icepack next to me.  My body slumped back onto the bed. Thank God. 

I slowly laid back up, attempting to push back the headache that was brewing. I can't believe I got drunk... Walking over to the door I go down the staircase that was to the left. My emotions were all over the place. Where was I? I never left the house.. did I? That means that Amy left me.

The sweet scent of pancakes immediately hits my nose. I found myself making my way to the kitchen quicker than I thought, simply because of the thought of food. My stomach was growling in anticipation. I peeked into the doorway, curious as to who was cooking that meal. 

The man stood tall, his dark brown hair disheveled making me wonder how soft it would feel to touch. Just the hair alone let me know who it was, though. Noah. The gray shirt fit him tightly, revealing his muscles that strained against it. That alone had me shivering. How could anyone even attempt to go against him? 

He coughed quietly, making me jump up. Noah turned around with wide eyes with a glass of orange juice in his hands, a tray of waffles sat on the counter. The area by the waffle maker was a mess, eggshells, a carton of milk, and flour sat on the counter. The flour dusted his shirt slightly. His face was flushed slightly, but he quickly turned away from me. I thought it was adorable, an expression I haven't seen on his face before.  

"I made breakfast.." He whispered while I nodded my head as if he could see me. Noah turned to look at me before motioning me to sit at the table. Quietly moving towards the table I sat down on the chair. I was nervous, my heart was beating almost out of my chest. But, I didn't know what else to do except listen. He was in fact known to be violent. I winced at the sudden outburst of pain throughout my head. 

My back was still sore, but this pain was far worse. "Your head hurts?" He turned to me with a small bottle of aspirin in his hands. I nodded my head slowly, watching him walk over before dropping a pill in my hand. Noah then grabbed the glass of orange juice and placed it on the table "Here" His voice came out deep, making me unintentionally flinch. I looked up at him to meet his eyes filled with confusion, and a frown was on his face. "S-sorry" Glancing back down at the orange juice I swallow the pill and follow it with the juice. 

He nodded his head before pushing a plate of waffles towards me. I smiled up towards him, before digging into the delicious breakfast he made. 


"I should go home." I muttered before glancing up at him, but Noah was too busy scrolling through his phone to hear me. "N-Noah" I hated the fact that I stuttered, it was embarrassing. He quickly looked up at me with tired eyes. Standing up I put the plate in the sink before glancing back at him. "I should get going, thank you for taking care of me" I smiled at him while he looked deep in thought for a while.  Noah stood up abruptly  "Can you stay a little longer? My parents aren't home, I have nothing to do-unless you can't" He said quickly, a slight blush tinting his cheeks. Who knew he could be so adorable? Noah was making the cutest expressions. Nodding my head I smile, his nervous expression replaced with a slightly happy one. "Can I take a shower?" I ask looking towards him, he nods his head before standing up to show me where the bathroom is.  "I'll put a movie on" He mutters before strolling back to his room.

Walking into the bathroom I'm met with the olive green interior, it screamed wealthy. I mean the whole house did. Everything was beautiful, a small chandelier was hung from the ceiling. Beautiful.. I stripped down, throwing the clothes onto the counter. "S-shit" I forgot to ask for spare clothes. I peeked my head out of the doorway, getting myself mentally prepared to yell for him. I mean I shouldn't be nervous, but he was scary. "N-Noah?" My voice came out quiet but he soon emerged from his room, looking at me with furrowed brows. 

"Yeah?" He shoved his hands in his pockets before walking closer to the door. Shit. "Do you have any spare clothes?" I glanced up at him while he cleared his throat. "Yeah" Noah turned away from me to simply go back into his room. I waited for a few minutes before he came out with a pair of sweatpants and a black shirt. "Thank you" I smiled up at him while he nodded his head. "I'm going back to my room" Noah whispered softly, I watched him go back to the room. 

Humming quietly I turned the water on, waiting before I got in. I wasn't going to get hit with cold water. I carefully stepped into the shower, the hot water immediately warming my body up. Thank God he let me take a shower here. At the moment I didn't care about Amy, or anyone else. Just the hot water I was enjoying. 

Looking at the top of the dresser a picture of two boys and a girl. The two boys hair dark brown hair while the girl has blonde hair. 

Along with a man with brown hair. And a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Those must be his parents and siblings. Smiling to myself I turn around, doing a small spin.

I jump onto the bed not caring if Noah got mad, he didn't complain, just simply smiled.

He moved over so I had room.

"You know you're not so bad," turning my head I look at Noah.

"What makes you think that."
Noah asked.

"Well, you fed me and let me stay here."

"Yeah, you were dancing on the dining room table." Noah laughed quietly.

Feeling my face heat up I bury my face in the pillow. "It's not funny."

He only laughed. The weight on his side disappeared. Looking up Noah is standing by the door, turning the light off.

He walks over to the bed, the light from the television Illuminating his figure. Noah looks down at me, those blue eyes trained on me.

Gulping I can feel my face heating up.
He drops onto the bed, groaning quietly.
"Can you throw the blanket over here?"

Nodding my head I grab the blanket, covering him with it.

We sit in silence, watching the movie while stuffing our faces with popcorn.

"Evan" My name rolls off his lips like honey.

Turning to look at him, he's holding the blanket up motioning me with his other hand.


"Come here before my arm gets tired" He rolls his eyes while I move closer towards him. 
Noah drops the blanket down, the soft fabric warming my body.

Turning my head towards the television we continue to watch the movie.


Yawning I look at my phone '7:45pm'

I ended up staying at his house, smiling to myself I look through my messages
Amy: 'Evan omg are you still at the house?? I'm so sorry'

Sighing I have over twenty missed calls from her.

Evan: 'Amy I'm fine, still at the house but I'm safe. Also it's okay.'

Turning my head I can feel the heat rush to my face.

Noah's sound asleep, his brown hair fluffed, covering his eyes slightly.

Laughing quietly I run my fingers through his hair.

He groans quietly, making me jump.

Smiling I put my head down, closing my eyes.

The quiet sound of the television drifting me off into a blissful sleep.

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