I'm Not a Lightweight!

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Evan's PoV

I ended up sitting with him anyway, I wasn't looking forward to today. I knew Ms. Rosa wouldn't change the seats. Groaning I rub my forehead, walking down the hallway. Why did I have to sit with him of all people? I'd rather sit with one of the barbies.  Amy ran up to me with a smile on her face before ranting on about her morning.  She wraps her arm around my waist "There's gonna' be a Halloween party tomorrow night. You going?" She asked giving me the puppy eyes. Amy knew I couldn't say no, but because I wanted to go- I hated parties. It was only because she hated going alone. I understood why. 

"Yeah, why not. I might have fun." Shrugging my shoulders I pat her head before heading to class. My nerves were all over the place. But I knew better when I stopped in front of the door. As long as I didn't mess with him then I would be fine. Most importantly- English was boring. 

We didn't do anything but write essays on the environment and what we should do to improve it. Damion was the first one done and he made it known.  He stood up, looking at me with a smirk on his face. I watched him walk towards Ms. Rosa, handing her the paper. She read the paper, occasionally looking back up at Damion with confusion written on her face. She sighed in defeat before handing it back to him.  "Redo this whole thing, it doesn't make any sense."He placed a hand on his chest, looking offended.  "I put a lot of effort into it." Whining he grabbed the paper, almost having a tantrum like a child. Some students laughed, making him look back while flipping them off. I couldn't help but attempt to hide my laugh. 

I glanced next to me to find Noah staring out the window. He always looked so deep in thought. The class and lunch felt as if it went by fast today, maybe because I found myself paying more attention to Noah.

Amy and I walked to gym together, she hummed quietly. Her arm was wrapped around mine and she stood close to me. A little too close for comfort. I felt my face heat up at how close she was. Yes I didn't feel anything towards her romantically, but she was beautiful and it was embarrassing when she pressed up onto me.  We went our separate ways when we got into the gym, I groaned quietly before going into the lockeroom. 

I pull the white shirt over my head, getting ready for hell. Swinging the door open I make my way over to Amy, standing on my number. After everyone was out of the locker room Mr. Owens stood in front of everyone, a frown on his face. He claps his hands, smiling suddenly. "Alright, everyone, I want all of you to do ten laps around the gym"

Everyone whined in protest while I stood next to Amy, stretching my legs with everyone who was smart enough to get ready. "Hey, Evan wanna race? Bet I'll win." Her hair was tied back, revealing her brown eyes filled to the brim with excitement.  Jogging in place next to me, Amy had a smile on her face. Some of the boys whistled at her, probably because of her breast size. She immediately stopped, glancing down at the floor. I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me before flipping them off. "Fuck off" I glared at the two boys making them frown. Looking back down at her I nodded my head. I never back down from a challenge. She smiles brightly up at me before sprinting past me out of my arms.

"That's not fair" Whining I run after her making her laugh, turning her head her eyes widen realizing I'm right on her tail. Passing her I push myself to keep running, Amy following behind me. We both laughed before I glanced back to see Noah jogging past me, his brown hair sticking to his forehead. 

My breath hitches, making me stop dead in my tracks soon after Amy stumbled onto me, sending me forward on the floor. "Evan!" She yelped, sitting up. "You can't just stop like that"  Nodding my head I rub my back, a sharp pain shot up my spine making me whimper. "S-sorry" I whispered quietly.  My lungs were burning like they're on fire, I stood up walking back to the locker room. The pain in my back was still burning. It hurt to simply grab my stuff.

That was so embarrassing.


Walking into the house I look around, the music blasts while people are dancing and some are making out in corners. My ears were hurting at the noise, but not more than my back. If only I was home with an icepack on my spine. The thought alone sounded amazing. Amy grabbed my arm, leading me into the kitchen "Here have a drink, it'll help," Amy handed me a clear cup with red liquid. How would this help me feel better? I'm not getting drunk. "No thanks, I think I'll stick to the pizza" I say handing her back the cup while grabbing a slice of pizza. 

"Fine, be that way you party-pooper. I'm going to have fun." Chugging the red liquid she walks off into the crowd. My eyes immediately widened at her words. I was hurt just a little. I was left in the kitchen alone to let my mind wander. Am I really a party-pooper? Sighing I look down at the cups filled with the foreign red liquid. All thoughts of not drinking quickly left my mind. I reached towards the cup before someone's hand grabs it.

Turning my head Noah is standing next to me holding the cup with a frown. "You shouldn't drink it, You wouldn't be able to handle it" He shakes it slightly making me narrow my eyes. The embarrassment was there but I wouldn't let it show.  "I can handle it, don't take me for such a lightweight" I snatch the cup away from him while walking away I chugging the whole thing.

Noahs PoV

Walking through the crowd I see a familiar brown-haired boy chugging down another cup. Really? I already knew this would happen. It was annoying as hell. Sighing I walk over to him, watching his every move. He stood on the table swaying his hips while looking down at a red-haired boy with a smile. I already figured what would happen next. "Evan" He quickly looked over to be with a blush tinting his cheeks. "W-What?" He mumbled before slowly walking across the table to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist before lifting him off the table. His arms quickly found their way around my neck.

"What're you doing p-put me down" He whines, kicking his legs slightly. He almost made me laugh but I pressed my lips together. "I can't put you down if you have your arms wrapped around my neck" He froze in my arms while I carried him upstairs. Opening the door to the bedroom I place him on the bed while he crosses his arms. "You're staying here tonight." Running my fingers through his soft hair, Evan looks up at me and pouts. 

"No" I raised an eyebrow, patting his head he closes his eyes. "Yes." He shakes his head before leaning back onto the bed. "No" Whining he rolled around on the bed before reaching the edge. I watched with wide eyes as he quickly fell off the side. "Evan" I walked around to see him sitting on the floor with tear-filled eyes.

 "Fuck it hurts" Evan rubbed his eyes before standing up. "Sit down" I grabbed his arm making him look up at me with tired eyes. "I don't want to, it hurts" Looking down at him I frown, what hurts? The events during gym flashed through my mind. Right, he and that girl bumped into each other and fell. 

"Your back?" I whispered while he nodded his head. "Lay on your stomach" Rolling my eyes I walk over to the small fridge that sat in the corner of the room. I listened to him whimper. Opening the freezer I pulled out an icepack, before going back over to him. His hair was sprawled out covering his face slightly while he closed his eyes. Evan jumped slightly when I placed the icepack on his back but soon relaxed. 

I sat next to him the entire time before he fell asleep. 

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