A little action and capture

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Your POV
"NIGHTMARE!!!!!" someone yelled making me roll my eyes slightly. "WHAT?!" I yelled back. Someone burst through the door startling me. I looked up to see Jane and Clockwork smiling widely. "What the actual fuck guys?!" I yelled glaring slightly. "Sorry but you need to come downstairs now" Jane said quickly dragging me with her. I sighed allowing her to continue as we reached the bottom. "Clocky go and get Slender. Hurry" she said making Clockwork run off. "Okay what's going on?" I said confused. "We found some information that'll be useful to you" Ben said appearing out from the TV. "What information?" I asked. "About the whereabouts of Zalgo and the Gem" Jeff answered, coming into the room. "Wait how did you guys know?" I asked. "Slender told us" Masky answered also coming into the room. "So all of you know" I said shaking my head. "Yep!" they all said making me sigh. "I'm sorry Nightmare but we needed all hands on deck for this mission" Slender said while Clockwork dragged him into the room. "It's okay. So where is he?" I asked. "Well we found out that he went on a trip to a different dimension for a while but has returned so he is currently in his own dimension as we speak." Ben responded, tying into the computer. "Interesting" I said. "So if we want that Gem back we need to get it from him while he's there. Because if he goes anywhere else, the atmosphere of that dimension will not be suitable for us to stay and fight for long. " Clockwork piped in making me nod. "We're going after him but we need a plan" EJ said making everyone nod. "Correct" Slender said. "Why don't we spread out and attack him from all angles. Look" Ben said showing us a blueprint of a battle plan. "These red dots are us and the huge black dot in the middle is Zalgo. If we all attack him and keep him busy, hell never be able to sense this purple dot, that's you Nightmare" he explained. "Excellent plan Ben. I'll need you to create a virtual graphical display of the plan everyone else suit up, we leave in an hour." Slender ordered making us scatter. I entered my room, getting my stuff. "Dagger I'm gonna need you on this one, you ready?" I said making him grunt before standing up and stretching his spikes. "Atta boy" I said taking my weapons.
- An hour later -
"Everyone let's go!" Slender yelled as we all run outside. "Wait how are we gonna get there?" Jane asked. "I can't teleport all of you too. If only we could get the portal open" Slender sighed. "Leave it to me. I'll get us in" I said creating space. I breathed in, closing my eyes and exhaled, opening to reveal my eyes which were fully black with my symbol in my right. I used my powers to make it reflect onto the ground, burning it into the ground. (Your symbol is a star with a circle around it). I stepped in the middle of and concentrated my powers into the symbol causing a dark red portal to open in front of us. "Wow Nightmare, how did you do that?" Clockwork asked amazed. "Hey I'm not a half demon for nothing" I replied as my eyes returned to normal. "Dang" they said. "Okay before we go in, I need to give you guys underworld oxygen to enable you guys to breathe in there." I said. They nodded as I swirled my arms around creating a ball of air. I concentrated making it become a dark red color. I spread my arms, moving the air into their nostrils, taking over their lungs. "There, now let's go" I said as we all jumped into the portal as it closed behind us. "Wow this almost feels normal" Jeff said as I smiled. "Okay let's go" I said running in a random direction making them follow. I slowed down as we reached a large set of flamming doors. I kicked it open, making Zalgo's attention snap to us making him smirk. "Ah Nightmare, took you long enough. I see you brought the whole family. No worries, I'll eliminate you all. Hellhounds, attack!" he yelled making them appear and attack us. I dodged them as I run straight at Zalgo blasting him with my powers. He dodged all my attacks, kneeing my guts. "Foolish of you to come here, Nightmare" he growled. "You have something I want, and I'm not leaving without it." I snarled, drawing my sword and racing at him again. He blocked the slash and used a void to hit me back. I crashed into the wall behind me, falling to the ground. I stood up, "Shadow confusion!" I yelled making multiple copies of me surround him,  attacking him from all angles. He growled angrily shooting fire around making the clones disappear. He pulled out the Gem making my eyes widen. "Looking for this?" he smirked. "Give it to me Zalgo" I growled making him laugh. "You don't deserve it" he said pointing it at me. Dagger howled loudly, biting Zalgo's leg. He groaned in pain but kicked Dagger away. "Dagger!" I yelled bending down to check him. "You're mine Nightmare" he said, shooting at me with the Gem. "NO!" someone yelled pushing me out of the way and getting caught in the ropes. "Masky noo!" I yelled as Zalgo dragged him towards himself. "Excellent, if you're willing to surrender then you'll have your friend back. If not I think I'll just kill him" Zalgo hissed grabbing Masky's face. "Time for you to go" he said throwing us out of his dimension. "Masky no! What have I done!" I groaned frustrated hitting the ground. "Nightmare it's not your fault. Calm down" Clockwork soothed. "Yes it is! He was protecting me. He was captured because of me! I've gotta go back" I snapped before Slender grabbed me with his tendril. "Nightmare listen, we're all sad that he got Masky but you can't just go back. We need to heal and think of a plan to get him back." Slender said. "Okay. I understand" I calmed down making him set me down. "I'll get you back Masky. I promise" I whispered to myself as we entered the mansion.

Dark Soul (Creepypasta x reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz