Talking and the Slender brothers

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Your POV
We arrived in the mansion and Slender said, "(Y/N) please come to my office and let me explain everything" making me nod and follow him. He opened the door for me and I thanked him, taking a seat. "Okay miss (Y/N)-" "Please call me Heartless Nightmare, (Y/N) reminds of my past" I said interrupting him. He nodded before continuing. "Okay Nightmare, I told you I'd never forget to come back for you. I promised didn't I?" he said. "I remember but it's been so long, I forgot" I said looking down. "Don't worry Nightmare. Anyway my main reason for coming to pick you is because I'd like for you to join my household as one of us. Do you agree?" he asked. I thought for sec before saying, "I'd love to but I don't think they like me" I said. "Don't worry about that, I'm sure they'll warm up to them eventually." he comforted. "It's not like I care anyways. I've gone my whole life with a lot of haters" I said crossing my arms. "Still very strong hearted. Just like I remember" Slender said standing up and opening the door for you. You both walked out and into the living room. "Attention everyone!" Slender yelled getting everyone's attention. "As of today, Heartless Nightmare is an official part of our household and will be treated as such. I don't want to hear any complaints or making her feel uncomfortable. Am I understood?" he said making them nod. "Good now if you'll excuse me I have to prepare our guests sleeping arrangements" he said before disappearing. You walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, taking a bottle of water. Masky, Hoodie and Toby came into the kitchen before Masky spoke up, "So Nightmare we're sorry for raiding your house and attacking you." "It's fine. I don't care anyway" I said shrugging. Dagger ran into the kitchen, holding my phone in his mouth. I bent down taking the phone from his mouth. "Thank you boy. What is this?" I said looking at it. A message was sent to me from a private number, "looking for something?"  "What?" I said confused. "Something wrong Nightmare?" Masky asked. I snapped out off it saying, "It's nothing. Just a wrong number" I assured leaving the kitchen and walking upstairs. "Nightmare, perfect timing. Your room is ready" Slender said snapping me out of my trance. "Oh thanks. Let's check it out" I said making him nod. We walked down the hall and stopped in front of a room with a (F/C) door. Slender opened the door revealing the room. It had (f/c) walls and a queen size (2f/c) bed and couch. It had a large flat screen TV and a computer and gaming system. A lamp stand was beside the bed with a (f/c) lamp on it. "Wow, thanks. It's awesome" I complimented. "My pleasure Nightmare. I'll leave you to get settled in while I prepare dinner. My brothers and two other creepypastas would be joining us soon. I'll call you when it's time" he said making me nod. He left and I sat on my bed, thinking. "How am I gonna find the gem. If it's in the wrong hands, the world's in danger" I told Dagger who was lying on a doggy bed beside my bed. He growled slightly before pouting. I sighed lying down when my phone rang. I answered hearing some shuffling from the other side. "Hello?" I asked into the phone. "Dear Nightmare, how long would it take for you to come for your little.... gift" a deep voice answered. "who is this? What gift?" I asked. "Now now, don't tell me you've forgotten about....the Gem of All Power my dear" he answered making me gasp. "You have the Gem of All Power? Who are you and where are you?!" I questioned hurriedly. "Calm down. All questions will be answered in due time. As for my location, you'll just have to find out. Goodbye for now" he said before hanging up. "No don't-" to late he hung up. "Argh why?!" I yelled angrily, tossing my phone on the ground. "How am going to get the Gem from someone I don't even know?!" I groaned frustrated. Dagger groaned in response before snarling. A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. "What?!" I yelled at the person. "Dang, no need to be bitchy. Slender said I should get you down for dinner." Jeff said from the other side. "Whatever. Tell him I'll be down in a sec" I replied making him leave. I used my powers to make food appear for Dagger. "I'll be back soon" I said leaving my room and closing the door. I walked down the stairs only to be tackled to the ground once reaching the bottom. When my vision cleared I saw a tall man in a colourful suit and a painted smiley face holding me. He lifted me up hugging me tightly. "oh my Lord, she is so precious! Is she the new creepypasta Slendy?" he asked happily. "Yes she is. Please set her down" Slender replied making him put me down. "Slender, please explain?" I said as Slender sighed. "Nightmare this is my 
brother Splendorman, the youngest. This is Trenderman the third youngest and Offenderman, the second youngest" he introduced. "Brothers this is Heartless Nightmare, the newest member of our house." "Wow aren't you just sexy" Offenderman said making me growl. "Don't you even dare" I growled making him sit down. "And this is Clockwork and my daughter Sally" he said. "Yay another big sister!" Sally said hugging me. I smiled and picked her up. "Nice to meet you Sally. I'm Heartless Nightmare. But Nightmare for short" I said making her laugh and nod. I set her down and Clockwork approached me. "Nice to meet you Nightmare." she said giving me a hug. "Thanks. You too Clockwork" I said returning the hug. We pulled away and I joined them for dinner, enjoying myself while I still can.

Dark Soul (Creepypasta x reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ