First encounter

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Your POV
Gunshot. Bullets bounced off. the walls and roof as I run. I jumped to another roof, trying to lose them. What was after me? Zalgo's minions that's what. I smirked under my mouth guard as I continued running. 'Can't keep this up forever, time to end it' I thought as I jumped off the roof into the alley. They followed me, stopping when they couldn't find me. They sniffed the air, trying to get my scent anywhere. "Looking for me?" I said appearing from the Shadows with a gun. They growled charging at me as I fired rapidly at them. I jumped up and used my sword to rip a hole in the atmosphere, opening the underworld. "Time to go home, spawns" I said, kicking them in as they screamed. The portal closed after the last one entered. I breathed in and sighed. I stepped into the shadows leaving the scene, unaware of the person watching me.
"Interesting, I'm sure Slender would like to know about this one" I thought as I run home.
Your POV
I entered your house and collapsed on my bed, sighing. My wolf, Dagger, came through the door and sat beside my bed, nudging my hand

 My wolf, Dagger, came through the door and sat beside my bed, nudging my hand

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I looked up and saw him. "Hey boy, miss me?" I asked it, making it jump on your bed with me and lick my face. I smiled slightly, sitting up. "Don't worry boy, we'll find it. Someday" I said to him making him bark. I stood up and went to take a bath as my wolf exited my room. I came back dressed in a baggy shirt and shorts. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV, changing to something interesting, Dagger coming to lie down beside the couch. After a while, I heard a thud coming from upstairs, snapping my attention away from the program. Dagger stood up, alert and growled. "You heard it too huh. Let's go check it out" I said walking up the stairs. I reached the top of the stairs and stopped, looking round. I placed my hand on the floor, feeling the presence of three people. "Intruders huh, big mistake" I said, as my eyes flashed red. Dagger and I split up as I went into your room. I listened carefully, hearing a heartbeat coming from my closet. 'Stupid idiot' I thought, stalking over to my closet. I picked the lock and opened the door carefully (It's a walk-in closet so it's huge). "Come out, I know you're in here" I said. I scanned around before someone grabbed me from behind, covering my mouth. I stepped on their foot and elbowed their gut. The grunt they made signalled that they were a male. I spun around to see a guy with burnt eyelids and a carved smile wearing blood stained clothes and holding a knife. "Wrong move Joker" I said, kicking him in the face, making him fly out the closet. I ran out and tackled him before he could escape, pinning him to the ground. "How the fuck are you so strong?!" he said, struggling in my grasp. "Who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you in my house?!" I yelled angrily. "It's not only me girly" he said with a sly smirk. "Oh I know, Dagger has taken care of them" I said smirking at his confused face. I hit his joints, paralyzing him as he groaned. "What the fuck did you do to me?!" he yelled unable to move. "It's called paralyzing and now let's go see your friends" you said dragging him out by his hoodie. You dragged him downstairs and threw him where the others were, Dagger standing over them. "Good job boy" I told him as you turned to face them. "Okay who are you guys and what are you doing here?" I asked. "We're here to kill you" the Joker answered as I un-paralyzed him. "And why's that?" I asked boredly. "Cuz we saw you with those hellhounds, you're clearly a threat" the girl with a black dress and lips (Jane) answered. "Okay so you see me with a couple of demon dogs and you think that I have anything to do with you, right" I snapped, glaring at them. "Then what are you" the guy with a blue mask with black substance leaking from it. I chuckled before answering, "That's a story for another day hun" before your eyes flashed red. "Now listen to me, don't ever think about coming to my house to attack me for no reason ever again. Got it?!" I growled. I picked them up with no effort and threw them out the window as they run into the forest. I shut the window and turned to face Dagger, "Crazy right. Come on let's get some sleep" I told him as you both headed upstairs. 'Foolish of you Slenderman, sending your goons after me. We will meet soon" I said to yourself before falling asleep.

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