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Hello guys! So, in the last chapter, I mention that I may end this book. Although I'm like... Immediately writing this after the last chapter, I thought that I will end this book. 

I'm sorry for people who enjoyed the story so far and wants to know what happened to them during the sleepover. I may write a sequel, depending on how this book will make it in a few months, maybe years. If it doesn't end up being good in a year or so, I may just leave this book alone and work on other ones.

I'm not the one to usually suggest to read my books but I would love it if you did at least try and check out my book I'm currently writing, it would mean a lot to me ^.^

I will post another chapter later on today or tomorrow, but it just poems. So if you don't want to read my crappy poems then that's fine. 

Anyways, hope you have a good week! ^.^
(Want to also say, thanks to people who are still reading, it means a lot to me since this is my first fanfiction).

I'm sorry, Deku... [My Hero Academia] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now