Chapter Eight

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It's my first day of college. It's a new school. New people. New everything. Today, a new chapter of my life is beginning, with no strings attaching me to my high school self. I don't have to be the nerd anymore. I don't have to be the quiet goody-two-shoes. I don't have to be Alex Woodley, virgin extraordinaire.

I walk to class, studying a campus map. If I had come to freshman orientation this summer, I would know how to get to Design I, but of course I had been volunteering at the retirement home, hoping to juice up my resume. God, what 18 year old worries about her resume? I-

At that moment, I crash into a body. My limbs flail and I spill onto the ground. I hear a chuckle, and glare up at the sound. Great. Red hair, green eyes, and enough stubble to say, "I know I look good." This guy, dressed in khaki shorts, boat shoes, and a pink plaid button up with the sleeves rolled is exactly the kind of guy I'd like to avoid. His smirk says it all - he knows he's a catch, the kind of preppy person I generally avoid.

After a beat, he squats down and offers me a hand. I scowl at the hand, and scramble to return to a standing position. As he straightens, he laughs again. God, what is so funny to this guy?

Before I can ask, he speaks. "You should really pay more attention to where you're going."

"Sure, and you should really invest in some glasses," I toss back, irritated by his playful demeanor. The belltower on campus begins to chime, signalling five minutes until 9. Shit - I really didn't want to be late on my first day. I glare at the plaid shirt guy one more time before shouldering past him. He smiles at me, then one of his buddies claims his attention as they wander toward the dorms. "Hey, Kody, you wanna catch a late breakfast?"

Hmm. Kody is the idiot's name. Now I know exactly whom to avoid.

After lunch, I try to find the O'Brian Social Sciences Building, where my Intro to Philosophy class is supposed to meet. I find the room with a few minutes to spare, and slide into an empty seat in the middle of the room. I take a moment to silence my cell phone and pull out my textbook and a fresh notebook, ready to take notes when the professor begins. A minute before class begins, somebody sits down in the chair next to me. I glance over and resist groaning. Of course it's Kody. A collision this morning wasn't enough; we have to share a class, too.

He catches me staring, and his lips turn up in a grin. "So, what gives me the pleasure of running into you again?"

I try very hard not to laugh at his pun, but I fail - I'm a sucker for stupid jokes. "Nice. And apparently, we're in the same class."

"Obviously," he states, making my cheeks flush. Yes, obviously we're in the same class, he's sitting right next to me. I feel like an idiot.

"Well, I mean, why are you in this class? It's a freshman course."

"I'm a freshman," he shrugs, then turns his attention to the PowerPoint the professor has begun.

For the rest of the class, I alternate between my notes and glancing at Kody. By the time class is over, I'm questioning my sanity. Why am I wasting time looking at some obnoxious guy? I'm here to learn, not admire cute boys. I refuse to turn into that girl, the one who goes to college for an MRS degree.

When Dr. Dunlap dismisses the class, I quickly walk toward the door, determined to avoid interaction with Kody. Luck is not with me, however, and his voice speaks up from right behind me.

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