This time no one would save me. I couldn't use my voice. I didn't even know what happened to Cucuy. My ears were ringing and I couldn't hear anything. Rowan was out-cold. I was going to be humiliated, again... with him in... me... then he'd take me away and force me to be his "wife" and I'd never be able to get away. I looked away, but just as Carter grabbed the hem of my pants, a hand shot out and grabbed his wrist. When he let out a startled sound, my head shot up to see Rowan glaring at him and I froze.

"So, that's why William has been so upset." he commented and yanked Carter down to the ground, which — what the fuck — Rowan wasn't nearly as big as Carter so how the fuck was he able to do that?

Mathew threw me down and went for him, but Rowan had already stomped down on Carter's wrist, snapping it and snatching up the gun he held. Carter yelled in agony as Rowan popped back up and whacked Mathew in the face with it, just before the big oaf tried to grab him. A combination of a snarl and bark got my attention as Cucuy came barreling out of no where and jumped Carter, latching onto his arm with a powerful jaw. Angelo came running over, but I could see he was limping, claw marks and blood were what he sported and I wondered how none of us had even heard him in any kind of agony. Before he could even join the fight, Rowan shot him in the knee, cutting his plans short.

Mathew came up and went for Rowan again, and I could only watch as he round-house kicked that behemoth back down before he could help Carter. Carter, at the moment, was trying to rip Cucuy away from his, now, bleeding arm. I think by then Rowan had already had enough and was getting irritated by Carter and the others that he ended up getting on them beating them in the head with the gun until they were out cold. He had literally uppercutted the back of Carter's head so hard I thought I heard a "crack." I was so overwhelmed by all of the blood that I didn't even notice Rowan come stumbling over.

He helped me up onto my knees as I blinked away the tears in my eyes. He dropped behind me, grunting in pain, and began to remove the duct tape from my wrists. I could only stare at Carter's limp body while Rowan pulled off the tape, and I glanced over to see Cucuy standing over them, seemingly keeping guard in case one of them recovered.

As soon as my hands were free, Rowan collapsed on me. I almost fell over, but managed to stay up-right, shivering as I felt his hands travel up my arms, bringing my hoodie back up to cover me. While it was inappropriate, I felt heat rush to my face as he did that for me, he didn't have to. His hands were shaking as he went to try and zip my hoodie up, after which I realized I had no shirt. This guy had chivalry and decency to want to cover me up and help preserve what dignity I had left.

"Call... police..." he muttered out, and I kind of panicked when he started to go limp.

I looked around frantically for the bag, only to stop when Cucuy had come up to me with it in his mouth. I took it quickly and yanked my phone out. I started to dial for the police when Rowan reached up once more and ripped the tape off my mouth, which caused me to yell in pain as I pressed the call button. I was going to yell at him for surprising me, but then his full weight hit me as he finally passed out for real. I had to reach back and hold onto him so that he didn't fall down.

It didn't take very long for the police to find us before Carter and the others could wake up. Rowan and I were taken to to the ambulance and and shipped off to the hospital with confirmation that I didn't need to testify. Carter and the other two were to be taken away to jail immediately because they were clearly the aggravators. While, normally, it wasn't exactly fair without trail — hybrids were jailed immmediately without so much as a second thought unless a human said so otherwise — I told them straight out I was being harassed and threatened by them, so I didn't think about the morality or anything because I didn't care as long as Carter was put away. Though, I did have to explain multiple times that Rowan wasn't with them and had protected me, and they almost didn't believe me — probably cause they were just itching to get hybrids out of the streets, the bastards — until I pointed out the fact I'd stayed close to and held onto him rather than the others. They finally left me alone when I told them to back off or I'd take them to court instead for blatant misuse of power because Rowan had literally risked his life to protect me. I made sure to give them a proper statement of course before we were helped out of the trail and to the ambulance.

Song for Broken Hearts (malexmale)Where stories live. Discover now